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Monday had really set the tone for the week.

Elijah's mental health rapidly went downhill, to the point where Crystal and I took turns sleeping because we were genuinely scared of him being alone and something happening.

He'd barely eaten, nor had he showered, changed clothes or spoken to us much. Even less when we told him he was going to facetime a therapist on Friday night to try and relieve some of his anxiety and distress.

But he spoke to them like a champ, and though it was the minimal, Crystal and I were proud. At least he'd said something.

"Here's some herbal tea and a sandwich," Crystal said, both of us heading upstairs after a call with the therapist, "Could you give it a go?"


His voice was hoarse, and strained.

"What might make you feel better?"


"Luke? Why do you like Luke so much bud?"

"I remember him from when I was in the group home,"

"Luke has never been in a group home buddy,"

"No, but he was a very nice nurse. When I was eleven, I had to go to the doctors, and he told me I could ask him any questions. I was only just understanding things and asked him about it; he's the first person who ever used my pronouns. I remember him, he probably doesn't remember me,"

"You had to go to hospital?"

"Mhm, he was the intern nurse,"

"I think that's a really great story bud, and even better that you can be with Luke again,"

"It's not weird, is it? I just feel safe,"

"It's not weird," I assured, "How about you eat your food, then I'll see if Luke can call you and help you design your room for tomorrow,"


"That's okay,"

Crystal stayed as he ate while I tidied up downstairs and asked Luke to call soon. Hopefully he'd open up to Ash and Cal too, but they also knew this process was gradual.

We were so proud of him this week.

As I headed up with the ipad, I heard him ripping open a chocolate bar, grinning cheekily as I walked in.

"Caught you,"

"Mum said I could,"

"Chocolate always fixes a broken heart," I said quietly, facetiming Luke, "Only stay on as long as you want, he'll be happy to let you sleep,"


I showered and trimmed my beard as they spoke, then got a text from Luke that said he fell asleep, so I took the ipad and put it on charge. Also, he sent me a messy drawing of some room ideas so that we could begin.

Crystal and I set to work ordering decorations while we could still get next day delivery, then became exhausted ourselves while thinking about moving a bed downstairs. We got ready for bed and she slept, both of us swapping every hour an a half. That alone was exhausting, but he was perking up a bit so we hoped to stop soon.

If we wanted him to trust us then we couldn't be so sneaky.

At around 3am, I heard Elijah leave his room and go to the bathroom, but then he climbed back into bed and it was silent again. Next to me, Crystal was sleeping soundly, and decided to let her sleep for an extra hour; we were trying to switch after a sleep cycle but it wasn't easy.

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