Finally Seeing Her pt.2

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-Willa's POV-

It was our turn to see Waverly. So I looked at Wynter to see her with a troubled face "Wynter, is there something you're not telling me?" I ask. She looked at me with like she saw a ghost "What do you mean?" she nervously chuckled

"Wynter, I know you since we were kids"

"Yea. I know that but I don't get what you mean...."

"Just tell me"

"What should I tell?"

"Is there something about Waverly that me and Wyatt don't know about?"

"Umm... No....?"

"Wynter Barkowitz"

"Fine! I'll tell you both when the time is right" she finally admits "Okay... Let's get in" I mutter as we both entered Waverly's room "Oh my gosh" I gasp as I see her state "No no no! Not again" Wynter suddenly breaks down "You promised me" she cried "Shh, its okay" I comfort her and we slowly reached her bed "I'm sorry for not believing you and just left you without your explanation. You're the Great Alpha and we should respect that......I should respect that" I sigh and look at Wynter to see if she wants to speak "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you" was all she said and we both left her room.

-Eliza's POV-

Regret. That's what I feel right now. I regret being fooled by someone I barely now. I believed her than my own best friend. "Bucky" I call out but he just looked at me and went inside "Oh..." I murmur and followed him in.
"I guess... most of us said sorry to you already" I chuckle to myself "I'm really sorry. I'm sorry that we all messed up. Please forgive us and please wake up. I'll be a better best friend... just please wake up" I say to her and quickly ran out of the room with tears on my cheeks.

-Bucky's POV-

Eliza ran away which means I'm the only one with Waverly. So, I sat next to her and sighed "I did what you asked. I played the song and Prawn will be held tonight. I hope that you're happy about what I did but please wake up, Waverly. We all miss you" I mutter and left the room "That was quick..." Addison comments "I already apologised when she wasn't in coma" I reply "Besides, we have Prawn later... let's get ready. Umm... Wade and Wyatt... just catch up with us later" I add and all of us left aside from the 2 boys 'This is gonna be the dullest night ever' I thought

-Third Person POV-

It was finally the last two boys who would see Waverly before they get ready for Prawn. "Just so you know, Waverly told me a lot about you" Wade says and enters the room without Wyatt "Okay.. then..." The other wolf sighed and followed him "This is what you caused" Wade pointed his finger at the wolf "My fault?" Wyatt cluelessly asks "If you believed her like Bucky and the Acey's did.. then this wouldn't have happened! You broke up with her for goodness sake! She loved you so much. She wouldn't do this if you believed in her and comforted her! It's all on you" Wade blames him "I DID NOT! I LOVE HER TOO! I DIDN'T KNOW WHO TO BELIEVE OKAY? I WANTED HER BACK BUT I COULDN'T. I'M A FUCKING IDIOT.. I KNOW! Just forgive me..." Wyatt cries "I... Waverly would've forgiven you... so I should too..." Wade sighs "Don't mess this up" Wade adds with a groan "Can we start over?" Wyatt asks. Wade looked at him with a small smile "Okay" he says and lifts his hand for a handshake which Wyatt gladly accepted "I'm Wyatt Lykensen" the wolf introduced "And I'm Wade Howler" the other wolf introduces "Let's get back to Waverly and we'll talk" Wade adds and Wyatt nods in agreement. "Waverly.." Wyatt starts off "I miss you. I'm sorry for being a jerk. I love you... I regret my actions these past few days. Please forgive me and please wake up" Wyatt says and kisses her forehead "I already forgave your boyfriend... you better be happy" Wade slightly giggled "Should we stay here?" Wyatt asks Wade "Um... Waverly would want us to be at your so called Prawn so... I guess we need to go to Prawn" Wade shrugs and they said their goodbyes to Waverly before leaving her room even if they want to stay with her "So... Let's talk".

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