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-Addison's POV-

All my anger towards my parents... I finally released it today. I had mixed emotions about this and I don't know what I should do "Honey... its mom" she knocked on my door "Can I come in?" she asks. I thought about it for awhile and silently sighed "Yes, mom. You may come in" I say, slightly worried about what she'd say. She slowly entered my room and sat down next to me "Addison, me and your father had a talk about what you said a few moments ago" she looked at me with uncertainty but continued, "We'll allow you to go to Prawn but you must get home right away to discuss your behavior" 

I dryly laughed at her words but nodded "Well, I'll leave you to get ready" she says, clearly ignoring my actions. "This is so weird..." she whispered to herself and I guess I wasn't supposed to hear that "Okay mom, I'll get ready" I say as she headed out.

It took me some time to do my makeup and hair but I succeeded and wore my prawn outfit which is in a light pink color. "Here goes nothing" I took a deep breath and left my room.

-Third Person POV-

It was finally time for Prawn and Wade's thoughts about it instantly changed "I thought this would be fine" he grumbled "Did you forget about Waverly?" Wyatt asks as he was standing next to him "I thought that we'll all be positive but I guess not..." they both sigh "Let's just try to be happy,okay?" Wynter suddenly pops out of nowhere which shocked the other 2 "Okay" they lightly smile and wandered around the area. 

Bucky on the other hand was fiddling with the USB that Waverly left 'Should I play the song?' he thought to himself before agreeing and grabbed the laptop. He placed it on the USB port and realized that there were more songs, so he scrolled through the songs and noticed that there was a song labeled 'For Prawn'. He decided to play the song and so he clicked the file and everyone suddenly became quiet

After the song played, Addison started crying while Zed and Bree were comforting her and the wolves hid their tears but what they didn't know is that something was about to happen.

"Waverly wrote that" Willa shook her head in disbelief "Yeah, that's Waverly" Justin sighed, still feeling guilty. Willa looked him in the eye and sighed, "She's going to live, alright? no need to feel guilty. You didn't know this would happen and I didn't know either.." 

Justin felt less guilty and smiled softly at her, "Thank you, Willa" he said and excused himself.

-Meanwhile at the hospital-

Waverly, still in coma, started moving and her heart rate monitor started dropping rapidly. The nurse that was assigned to Waverly that time called for help.

The doctors and nurses assigned for her dashed to the room and tried what they could to revive her. The nurse that called for help decided to contact Wade and she did. Wade received the call and ran to the hospital while dragging Wyatt "Dude, what's the problem!" Wyatt finally released himself from Wade. Wade stared at him, looking emotionless, "Waverly's heart rate monitor dropped and they're trying to save her" 

Wyatt teared up a bit before looking at Wade "Let's hurry then!" He says and they dashed to the hospital in hopes of seeing Waverly in good condition.

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