I don't know what to call this chapter

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-Wade's POV-

"What.. do you want to know?" I ask. He hesitates for a minute before looking at me "Everything" he replies. I looked at him in disbelief but he just gave me the 'Is there a problem' look.  "It's not fair that you know a lot about me and I don't, right?" He smirked "I.. uh.. um.. okay.." I gave in "Good.. we have 2 hours before Prawn.." Wyatt says "How about we chat at the cafe" I say while gesturing towards Seabrook Cafe "Did you forget that I'm known as a threat?" he glares at me "Relax.. I know the owner" I chuckle. He stared at me for a few minutes before nodding his head "Great!" I drag him inside and everyone looked at us.. i mean him in fear "Wade, what's the meaning of this?" Joe bursts through the kitchen doors "Joe, meet Wyatt. And Wyatt, meet Joe" I introduce. Joe looked at Wyatt with an uncertain look "He's not a threat" I say as Wyatt smiled awkwardly "Ugh, fine.. you may take your seats" Joe sighs and returns to the kitchen. We both found a table hidden from most people and sat down. "Shall we start?" he grins.

-Wyatt's POV-

35 minutes have passed and he has finished his story "Well.. that was quick" I mumble while taking a bite of my S'mores cake "Yeah, nothing special" he takes a sip of his hot chocolate "Since, we know stuff about each other... Why don't we get ready for this Prawn of yours" he stands up from his seat. "Oh, um yeah. Okay, Waverly would want that" I copy his action "See you later..." he waves and left "Yeah, see ya" I sigh and ran to the den.


"Where have you been?" Willa asks "Um.. I was talking to Wade" I reply. Her serious expression suddenly changed into a guilty look "Okay... just get ready for p-prawn" she says and enters her room. Well... time to get ready.

-Wade's POV-

45 minutes before prawn starts and the wolves decided to visit my house. "I'm really sorry for my behaviour" Willa apologised "It's okay, Willa" I assure. We were all dressed up for Prawn, and I guess this will be exciting. I wore this:

"Why are your outfits not

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"Why are your outfits not.... edgy?" I ask while looking at them (A/N: what they are wearing is the one on the top)

"We promised Waverly to wear those outfits with her" Wynter replies as the two sadly nodded in agreement. I just nodded in understanding and checked the time '39 minutes left'. "Would you like to be there early or late?" I ask them "early" Willa mumbles and they all get up "Okay.. then..." I awkwardly chuckle as we all left my house.

-Addison's POV-

After leaving the hospital, I headed home to get ready for Prawn and I just realised now that my parents don't know that Waverly is in coma. I got home thinking about it when my mom and dad were sitting on the couch with a concerned look on their faces "Addison, do you know where Waverly is?" Dad asks in a sad voice, I wanted to see how this would go so I faked a confused look "I don't know" I shrug "Honey, your sister is in coma" Mom says. I give her a sad look and sighed "She isn't my sister... she's adopted" I say and they look at me in shock "y-you know a-about that?" They ask "Of course. I also know what happened to Waverly. So if you'll excuse me, I have prawn to get to" I say in a sassy voice "You're not going to prawn!" Dad declared. I turned to him in anger "Listen!" I yell "You never told me that she was adopted which made me think that me and her are just alike! But no! We aren't. She's a werewolf and I'm just an ordinary girl with white hair! I thought that I have finally found someone who I could relate to! But she isn't! And now that we both know everything, you can't lie to us anymore! You knew she was a werewolf but you hid it from her because you were afraid!" I shout angrily "You don't know anything!" Dad yells back. I scoff at him "She wants me to go to prawn! So let me be!" I yell and ran to my room.

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