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-Wade's POV-

We reached the hospital and ran straight to Waverly's room. "I hope she's okay" Wyatt mumbled as the nurses stopped us from entering her room "How is she?" I ask worriedly "We managed to revive her but she's still in coma" one of the doctors emerged from the inside to answer my question "S-she's st-still i-i-in co-coma?" Wyatt stutters as the doctor gave a nod "I think its best that the both if you leave and see her tomorrow.."

We ran back to the school and Prawn was still ongoing. Willa decides to head towards us with a worried expression "Why did the both of you leave?" she asks but before I could speak, the ground beneath us began to shake and most of them panicked "Protect your president!" Bucky screams in fright.

Well fuck.

"Let's follow the crack" Addison says as she manages to gather me and the rest of Waverly's closest friends. We all nod in agreement and exit the gym to see a huge hole near the lockers "Let's follow it. It might be the moonstone!" Wynter exclaims as Willa takes the lead "Wade, lead them after us" she orders as I just hum.

After a few minutes I led Addison and the rest down to see the moonstone "Wyatt, Waverly's necklace!" I lightly shout as he looks at me with a grin "I already charged it"

The wolves tried to lift the moonstone but unfortunately they couldn't "Let's help them!" Bree says as we rush to help them carry it.

Suddenly, the rock fell and we couldn't escape "We can't escape!" I yell but Addison had a brilliant idea "Zed, your Z-Band is still broken, Could you lift the slab?" she asks as Zed looks hesitant "I- I d-don't kn-know" he stammers "You can do this,Zed" she encourages him as he hesitantly swipes his Z-Band to offline mode.

He instantly turns into a zombie and rushes to carry the slab. He groans but manages to lift it up "Go! Go! Go!" Eliza yells as we manage to carry the moonstone to the other side. The slab that Zed lifted up had been placed back to its original spot and we couldn't see him "Zed!" Addison cries as he was nowhere to be seen. We all kept silent as Addison was about to cry but a faint sound was heard and Zed appeared with dust on his suit. Addison rushes to him and gave him a hug "Don't scare me like that ever again" she lightly scolds as Zed chuckles "I won't" he promises as we all cheer and the wolves, and me, howl. "Awooooo!" Bonzo howls as Wyatt looks at him "Hey, you said it right" he smiles "Bonzo has an ear for languages" Bree giggles when suddenly a thought came into my mind "Wyatt, let's bring the necklace to Waverly tomorrow morning. Maybe something could happen" I say as he thought about it.

"Okay" he agrees as we did a handshake "This is a night to remember" Willa spoke quietly as we all turn to her "It is" Eliza agrees as we all chuckle.

The moonstone was safely stored in the wolves den and all of them went back to normal. Willa tapped me by the shoulder as I turn to her "Hey.." she softly greets "Hey" I greet back "I think this belongs to you" she says as she hands me a necklace "I don't really need it though" I shrug but she just rolls her eyes "Just wear it" she insists as I sigh and wore the necklace.

I felt electricity surge through my body and I groan when it stops "Told ya you need it" she smiles and walks away "What do you mean?" I chase after her "You're a part of us now" she simply states and pats me by the shoulder "Bloody great" I mumble and decided to watch the stars from the mouth of the cave.

"Who knew both you and Waverly have such wonderful voices" a male voice suddenly speaks "Aren't wolves supposed to be good at singing, Wyatt?" I turn to him as he gave me a cheeky grin "True" he states as he sat down next to me "We'll be seeing Waverly tomorrow..." I remind as he looks away "Yeah... I hope she forgives me" he mumbles "Wyatt, she will. Just trust me and her" I say and we stared at the night sky before I had to leave.

A/N: Hello everyone! How are you?

I have someone to thank because she gave me a wonderful idea for the last chapter and todays chapter. evaisdahbest
Thank you so much for the idea you gave me and I'm really glad that you enjoy my book. Without your idea, I wouldn't know what to do and yeah.. I'm just really thankful.
Anyway, that'll be all.

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