Mouth of a sailor

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Amara (POV)

               The hallway was long, not much light was provided for sight. I creep along down the depressing hall, trying to find a door.

A door that would lead outside, and hopefully this place is within city limits. I open one of the many doors of the hallway, to find what appears to be a guest room.
I sigh and move on, why can't I find the door and where's the end to this hall.

                 It feels like this no end, I begin to run down the hall. My heart beats wildly in my chest as I gain speed, sweat begins to drip down my body. I run and run, but the hall getting going. I stop and try to gain breath, I attempt to slow my breathing down but to no avail. 
"what the fuck is happening" I say looking every which way, fear evident in the way my voice trembles.
I hear something behind me but refuse to look, I bolt down the hall losing a shoe in the process, fuck that shoe I don't need it!.

               Running on one shoe now, I finally reach the end of the long-ass hallway. There were two halls on each side, I turn right and lean against the wall.

Tears run down my face betraying me, I wipe furiously at them. I'm gonna be stuck here I slid down to my knees and sob quietly.

I freeze, it feels like someone is watching me. I glance side to side to find the eyes of the peeping tom, fucking jerk likes watching girls cry I bet.
All of the sudden the lights in the halls flicker a couple times then shut off.
Um ah hell nah Casper ain't gettin me today, fucckkkk thattttt.

I push up off the ground, I wobble a little my legs still not used to being used so much. The bastards chained me to the bed for weeks.

Completely blind I wander down the hall, holding onto the wall for support. At the moment I'm scared to the point of pissing myself, but I manage to walk down the hall in a fast past.
I hear footsteps behind me as I walk, I quicken my pace.
Suddenly a hand wraps around my throat and I'm lifted off the ground, and pull back till my entire back is pressed against the persons front.
I was close enough to feel the bulge pressing into my back. I thrash and scream, about to piss my pants.
He pulls me tighter against him and whispers in my ear " I like it when they squirm, it feels rather good"
he makes an example on how good it feels by grinding his dick against my ass " against my cock, pet."
         Oh hell no, ain't happening buddy gonna have to bust your jolly beans somehoe else.
      I thrust my elbow backwards, I hear a intake of breath and his arms loosen. I book it down the hall like a sobering alcoholic running from vodka.
     For a second I thought I'd get away but of course my body decided it wanted me dead today. I trip over fucking air!, I'm screwed.

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