Kill Or Surrender

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Mara (POV)

I waken on a soft bed full of cushions and coverings. I touched the side of my neck to feel a vast bandage cover the whole left side of my jugular.
I close my eyes and cry, harder than I've ever cried before.


"shut the fuck up, I'm making an effort to play with you and you're ruining it" I whimper when he grabs my neck and throws me across the room. The two assholes come into the room and access the situation.
Asshole #1 speaks up "Tobias your gonna damage our mate before we even claim her." Tobias looks at him than to me and shakes his head
"but big brother she's too ugly and I don't want a mate they're too emotional, it makes me mad." asshole looks at Tobias and says slowly " You're going to behave or it's the black room you go." for a brief moment Tobias looked scared, it was only a second but I saw it.
I didn't care the bastard could rot in the black room for all I fucking care. I hoped he died there all alone, starving.
"you've left quite an impression on the princess huh TOBY Bear❤️." asshole #2 says with sarcasm. Tobias looked noticeably angry with the nickname. I inch away from the three towards the door, limping like a wounded puppy. "SHUT UP ZANE"
Zane laughs clearly happy to have upset the kid like grownup. " you're not going anywhere" I hear all three of them say. Shit, I book it towards the door my knee giving out when I touch the trim. I fell pain then light out.

Flashback Over...

Mara (POV)

I look around at the room, and weigh my options. It was a decent sized room with four doors on each wall. The bed was placed in the middle of the wall with a door on the left side of it. A dresser on the right, there were to books shelves on each wall full of dusty looking books.
The room was completely red all the furniture was red, except for the bed it was obsidian. The blankets almost not even noticeable that there were three.
I walk over to the door on the right and turn the knob. Locked. I go to the other three ones and they were left unlocked. The one across front the bed was a closet although it looked like a whole other room from the size of it.
Same with the other door on the left, the one right next to the bed was a gigantic bathroom full of shelves with underwear, bras, pants and everything else a woman would need for a average day except it's a large supply.
The tub was six feet wide and looked to be eight feet in length. I lock the door and get into the tub, sitting with my head between my legs. I cry, scream, hit myself and dig into my legs. I hit my head, legs, arms on the side of the tub anything to make this feeling of complete emptiness go away.
I don't know how long I just sat there bruised and broken. My thoughts eluded me but they also took me to a place that wasn't here, it was a blessing but not. I know I need to get myself together and find a way out of here but what then. Say I did escape and went home, I wouldn't be the same. My mind was jumbled with death thoughts and sadness. I'd never recover from this i might be strong but there's only so much that a person can take. I know they won't stop till all of them rape and defile me and oddly that kept me sane in a fucked up way. They wouldn't kill me till they've had there way with me. I just have to last long enough to call someone or send a message to Anna. Oh my god Anna she must be so worried, she probably thinks I'm dead. The thoughts brings more tears to my eyes.
I hear a knock on the door, dread, terror they enveloped me, squeezed me of my breath. No please no more.
" open up were not gonna bite princess." Zane says through the door. I touch the side of my neck remembering how Tobias almost ripped my throat out, and shudder. "Princess?" I ignore him hoping he'll think I'm not in here. " I hope you know I can smell you, your fear, your sadness, your arousal." His voice changed to a menacing level. Fuck you. " you should seriously get that about checked out cuz I think it's broken, just like your charm" I hear a growl and grin. Score one for Mara, pros I get some of my dignity back, cons I get the shit beat out of me. There was a moment of silence. The sound of my breathing almost startling me. " you know that we have a key to the door right darling?" His voice echos in my ear, he's behind me...
he picks me up from the tub and cradles me in his arms. I start to struggle but stop when I look at his expression. I swear I'm gonna die tonight. I'm carried to the bed and thrown on it, I get up and crawl to the front of it keeping away from him.
He laughs and smiles evils. I feel my leg get pulled and all the sudden he's on top of me. " stop please don't I'll do anything! I'm sorry!!" I cry tears falling once again. He frowns and cups the side of my face.
" I'm not gonna hurt ya princess" he looks me straight in the eyes but I'm not buying it. " bullshit you kidnap me, throw me around, hit me , abuse me anytime you want and then let that asshole rape me" he looks at me, sighs and runs a hand threw his hair. His mood seemed to have changed, the threat didn't seem so bitter anymore. "Tobias meant well, he's just a little young and doesn't know what he wants and what he needs."
Oh so he needed to rape me. Well that just makes it all better. " so he raped me because he's confused"
I need to play along with these crazy crackheads, or ima end up figgity fucked up.

Zane (POV)
Oh god she's intoxicating, her long chocolate hair hanging past her knees curling at the edges.
But her eyes were what caught Damon's attention, her breasts looked as if they were about to combust her outfit.
How was I supposed to have a serious conversation with so many distractions. " he shouldn't have went about mating you like that and he is being punished for it trust me" I grin wondering if Damon was making Tobias watch white chicks or dumb and dumber for the punishment. He hates the films with a passion. Hah probably I would loved to have seen it but I'm glad I was put to Mara duty.

Authors note

The picture at the top is Zane btw

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