I wanna go home

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Amara (POV)

It's been two weeks, three days, 17 hours and 38 minutes since I was kidnapped. I know because I've been counting it's the only thing that keeps my mind in place. I've lost hope in finding a way out not because it's not possible no it's because if I do find a way out all three of them would come after me. I don't understand their fixation with me, they say I'm their mate. Awh okay let me be your submissive little slave while you rape, and torture me because that's how mates are supposed to treat people. Assholes.

I finally know their names but I never call them by it that would make them human, which they definitely aren't. The oldest is Damon, he's a complete dick towards me, and almost never talks to me. It might have something to do with the fact that I kicked him in the balls when he tried to rape me my second night in this hellhole. But who knows. The second oldest is Zane, he was a self confident jackass and way to hot to be a crazy asshat. But oddly he's never lied to me he's always been upfront about thing, which makes me dislike him even more because of it. It's infuriating.

Tobias was the youngest I haven't seen him since the first day I was brought here, I hope I never have to see him again. I still don't know what he did to my neck but at this point it didn't matter he was a monster. I don't know what happened to the poor boy to make him like that and in a way I felt for the boy. Knock it off he fucking raped you dumbass rule number one of being a rape victim don't feel bad for your attacker. Victim. That's what I was but that didn't mean I liked it I kept thinking about that night even though I know I shouldn't if I wanted to keep my sanity.

I go to the bookshelf and pull a random book, the Iliad and the Odyssey. The name sounds familiar, from English class maybe? I don't know but it seems interesting enough. I read the first sentence I see.

"He came down furious from the summits of Olympus, with his bow and his quiver upon his shoulder, and the arrows rattled on his back with the rage that trembled within him."

I read till I reach chapter 4, by that time it was nightfall. I look to the door expecting to see a tray of food in front of the door but there is nothing. Odd normally one of them would deliver food before it got dark. I walk over to the door and knock hoping that they'd give me my fucking food, I'm starving.

No answer, I try to open the door slowly without it creaking but of course it had the sound like a dying cat. Fuck even the house damn house hates me.

Authors note
So I've decided to make the chapters shorter but I'll also updated twice a day every two days that way you guys will be getting more content and I don't have to meet a word count. Let me know what you think ☺️
Btw that's Tobias at the top🥺🧸

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