When The Wind Changes

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Amara (POV)

             The first thing I notice when I wake up is pain, everywhere mostly my ass though. I feel warmth on my skin and sit up. warmth? He put me in a different room this one looked as if a rat decorated it. which maybe a rat did decorate it.... I'm a dumbass.

         In the room their was only a bed and toilet....no sink.  fucking savages! where's the motha fuckin toilet paper. So here I am in a room where I'm suppose to piss, shit with no way of wiping or cleaning. Son of bitches better give me a fucking sponge bath every day, they can kiss my ass while they're at it. I scan the room for any weapon and spot nothing, so I head towards the window and try to up it..it opens. fucking jackpot baby. I poke my head out the window and look down. maybe not jackpot. He put me in a fucking tower..dick.

                 I pull the covers off the bed and start tying Rapunzel type knots until I'm out of fabric, I push the bed until its against the door Fuck that beds heavier than the pressure of life and tie the fabric to the toilet and throw it out the window. I look to see how far of a jump I'll have to do and start climbing down. You would think they'd have an alarm system haha dumbass cheapscape's. When I get to the end of the bedsheet rope, I look down and jump.

                          I land on my knees. I cry out and grab them, taking a minute to recover I scan my surrounds and make sure the goons didn't hear me. I stand up and run, I see trees and book it. I need to go faster, mina..mom I'm coming home. I smile and laugh, excitement rushes through me. Tears run down my face and for the first times in weeks, I don't dread tomorrow. I welcome it because no matter what I'm alive and ill finally see my baby sister and my mom.

         I slow down to a jog when I get to the trees, and lean against a tree to catch my breath.  I look back at the house, and dread fills me. The cars are still in the driveway, nothings changed, no gates, no alarms. They knew I'd run, it was a test. Fuck and I bet they knew where I'd go too. I stumble backwards and start running into the woods, I trip a couple times. I try to listen to hear any movement besides my own. Nothing, dead quiet.

      I start freaking out, my heart was the only thing I could hear, sobs rip through me. I can feel eyes on me, I try to run faster but end up hurting my stomach. Kitten....you have pained me..us. I scream and start running again. princess if only you had stayed in timeout. FUCK no...no...no..NO! something zooms passed me, startled I trip and hill... I roll down the hill, earning more scratches and bruises. I roll into a log and hit my head. Fuck..!. I try to stand holding my head, I look around and get dizzy. I can Smell you.. Little slut ...your bleeding.  I start walking, Limping and stumbling i make my way up an hill, i look up and see . the house. WHAT!??

           "Didn't I tell you Kitten ? the grounds and the house are like a maze only Zane and I know them." I hold my breath and turn around, a sob escapes my throat as I see all three of them. "Please!" I sob backing away, "I just wanna go home, I wont tell no one I swear." I keep backing up till I couldn't. hands wrap around me and I try fight them with all my strength. I feel breath by my ear. "But you can't leave its far to late to go home now Princess."

           I open my mouth to say something when a wet cloth covers my face, I  hold my breath but not it not too long before I welcome the darkness.

Authors note
I Knoooowwwww I'm horrible with updates. I'll be the first to admit it. And holy moly mother fuck 20k views whaaa daaa fuckkkk I'm so fucking happy ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️I promise for real this time I'll set up and time to write give you chapters. Please keep commenting because it forreal makes me super duper happy 😃
Also what do you think gonna happen hmm? 🌸

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