Little moments of silence

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Authors note —  again I am sorry about all these late updates theirs no excuse this time other then I've been reading other authors books and was diving into a book trance why I didn't update this book shoot I couldn't tell ya, but also because this book is kinda bumming me out like I know what happens next cuz I'm the author but I'm still grim about what's to come. Can y'all guess I bet you could but lmk your thoughts 💭.

Sincerely Becca ❤️


Amara (POV)

A few days have passed and no sign of the three stooges. I half expected one of them to torment me a little while I was healing, but not even Zane visited.
             The cuts and bite marks have almost fully healed, I've been coming up with plans of escaping but all of them landed me right back here with the same punishment maybe worse.
           Zane said they wouldn't keep me here forever so that's something. The only plan that seemed like it would work is if I pretended to be submissive and waited till they trusted me enough to take me outside.

I knew I could convince Zane and maybe Tobias, but Damon there's no way. I was never a good actor Anna said I had the acting talents of Bella from twilight, Which I took as a great insult.
                  Not to mention that time when I auditioned for sleeping beauty in the school play, I was even bad a playing dumb and pretty, Again with the pride thing.
            Maybe I'm so headstrong because I had to be the tough one with my single mother and little sister.
       Before it was my mom, little sis and I we lived with Ron my mom's Ex husband. Ron was happy and wonderful towards my mother.... when he was sober.
              My mom never fought back when he would hit her and scream at her for little things. I always hated him even when I first met him I knew he was a thug. We lived with him for 3 years and every day I begged my mother to leave him but she wouldn't.            
          So I did what I had to do as a 10-year-old. I called the cops when he came home one night drunk off his mind. He hadn't hit her when I called but I knew. By the time the cops got there my mother was at the bottom of the stairs bloody and bruised with Ron gaining on her.

            I held my little sister peanut cradled her while they hauled Ron off to jail. My mother wouldn't testify against him but I had no problem doing it myself along with the cops that were on the scene.  
                  The judge was thinking of putting Penelope and me with different relatives because they thought my mother was unfit, but she was the only one left that could take care of us.                                 
             I grew up taking care of my mother instead of the opposite, and never once have I blamed her for anything, It wasn't her fault. She just wasn't a person who took charge she was passive..... submissive. I WAS NOT

   Amara (POV)

          Just when I had decided to close my eyes and sleep for a bit, the door bangs open with a loud thud. Damon struts in like he thinks himself a god, and let's just say I laughed because the arrogance was to misplaced not to laugh.
                  The smile that was on his face grew but I don't think I should call it a smile may be a promise of pain. He walks up to me and unlocks my shackles. " I Have a Surprise for you darling and your gonna love it, I know I do"
            dread fills me when I hear him say that. Anything this monster loves must be bad, and I did not want anything to do with it.

        As soon as the shackles let go I fall preparing myself for the biggest faceplant of my life but it never comes. 
             Damon held me up and smirked " falling for me already I see" the nerve on this piece of shit, but I don't speak I won't give him the satisfaction. 
               Damon walks me out of the dungeon into the hallway which had scared the crap out of me a couple of months ago. "Trust me, baby I'll have you talking by the end of the day," I said nothing just walked through the spiral that was a hallway.
         After walking through the hallway he stops at a black door and pushes it open. Once we enter the room I hear Zane and Tobias talking amongst themselves.
            Then all focus was on me unfortunately, unlike all the other times I've seen Tobias today he gave me a smile, Which made me want to throw up.

          But sadly bile never reached my throat I would've love to show him how he made me feel by throwing up all over him. He may look young and innocent, but he was the devil reincarnated. And I loathed him for what he did to me.
              Finally, Damon speaks dragging me out of my thoughts. " we may have found the only way to make you recognize the bond that all of us have. We have to eliminate other emotional connections." My heart drops no they wouldn't.

     Please god tell me my family is okay, don't let this monster have them. Damon walks over to screens in the corner of the black room and turns them on, revealing my mother and peanut tied against a chair with a cloth in their mouths.
           I stare at the screen my world was on the other side of the screen. Damon taps another button and the screen next to the one containing my family pops on showing Anna my best friend in shackles like I was. "please" I whisper my voice so small and gravelly from such little use.
    "oh don't worry we're only going to kill one the others will be locked in the dungeon as leverage. " Damon says looking me straight in the eyes. He means it he's going to kill someone I love, just because of some lunatic fantasy he and his brother made up.
              "But the best part darling is you pick who we should kill and how we should kill them." for a second I thought to kill them all because I know even if some live they will live in torture.
     I speak up finally come to a solution "you said I get to pick who dies but I have one condition once I pick everyone else gets to go home then I'll try to love you all." Damon looks at Zane and Tobias and they all shake their head yes. "Then I pick me I will die you can kill me but my family and friends go home."

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