The Reckless And The Brave

3.4K 52 15

Andy Barber x Daughter!Reader

Warnings; some angst, injuries, fluff, swearing, not many spoilers (nothing we don't already know), 

Word count; 2.1k


"You are not walking through that park again. Not ever," Laurie said. You sighed and looked at your dad.

"I have to agree with your mom on this one, Y/N," He said. "I'll drive you today, your mom can take you tomorrow," 

"I don't understand why I can't just walk to school, I don't have to go through the park," You reminded them. Laurie leaned against the kitchen counter and sighed.

"You know why, Y/N. People aren't taking it well, we don't want people hurting you," She told you. You nodded and grabbed your backpack as your dad stood up. Laurie walked over to you and hugged you "Have a good day, alright? Don't get into any more trouble," She kissed the top of your head.

"I make no promises," You joked, but your mom didn't pick up on the whole joke part. Laurie gave you her warning look, to which you responded to by holding your hands up. "Kidding. I'll behave," You told her. 

"Okay. Now go, you're gonna be late," You smiled before leaving the house. How stupid were you to believe you could go a day without causing some form of trouble in school.

Where to begin that was the bitch, Rebecca Rifkin. As if you didn't hate each other before, it was amplified 10x due to Jacobs's accusation and arrest. But hey, at least it was a mutual hatred. At first, you didn't exactly understand why she hated you, both of you used to be inseparable. Now, you understood, her little brother had been murdered, and your little brother was the main suspect in his murder, but you all knew he hadn't done it. But even you, an 11th grader, knew that Ben Rifkin was an asshole, and for some reason, an even bigger one to Jacob. 

"Hey, Y/N," You put your phone down and took your earphones out as Rebecca sat down across from you.

"Rebecca, to what do I owe the pleasure?" You asked her. She sighed and smiled sweetly, but you knew it was anything but sweet.

"How's your brother?" She asked. Rebecca knew what was going on fine well, so you decided that if she wanted to piss you off, you could do the exact same thing. "I mean; if I were him, I would just kill myself. he's ruined so many, including your family's lives." She said. You nodded and pretended you were interested. "I heard that your grandpa's in jail for murder. Does that mean that you and your brother have the murder gene?" You leaned forward and smiled.

"To answer the first part of your pointless monologue, Jacob is fine, thank you for asking," You smiled to yourself as you leaned back, you were about to raise hell. "How's your  brother?" You asked her. The look on her face said it all, you had succeeded in your goal of pissing her off to the max.

"What did you just say, Barber?" She asked you. You laughed and stood up.

"I asked how your brother was, Rifkin," You smiled as you walked away, now you just had to wait for her to make a hit at you. As predicted, she ran at you and got you on the floor.

"You little bitch!" She cried as she started kicking you. You grunted and moved your arms down to protect your ribs, she noticed and moved to your face. Your nose began to bleed, but judging by the lack of pain, she wasn't strong enough to have broken it. Crowds had appeared around you both, teachers tried to get through them, but no one would move. You laughed as she went to kick you again, but you grabbed her foot and twisted it. She yelped and fell to the floor and you got on your feet, shaking off the need to vomit and spit out blood that came over you.  Moving quickly, you moved out of the way before she could get you on the floor again. You grabbed the collar of her t-shirt and spun her around, pushing her into the table. She cried in pain as she charged back to you. You pulled her hair down and hot her on the floor and began to kick her. Before you could cause any more damage to her, a teacher pulled you and Rebecca away from each other.

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