Miserable At Best

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Anonymous asked:

hi! could I make a request? could you maybe do something where Jacob and the reader are arguing and Andy comes in the room. the argument just escalates and Jacob ends up saying something like "mom and dad don't love you anyway" because he overheard them talking about the reader a few nights before. reader looks at Andy begging him to say something but he doesn't deny it. she just feels super alone and alienated from her family and ends up self harming? sorry if it's out of your comfort zone!

Warnings: Angst, self harm, sadness, fighting, ooc!jake, a fluffy ending though!

Word Count: 2.8k

A/N: Okay! I'm back on this blog after a break from it. I burned myself on writing for this blog and I needed a break, but I'll be back on here for now! I hope you all enjoy this, I broke my own heart writing it. hope the anon who requested who requested enjoys this, thank you for allowing me to break y'all's hearts!


Since everything happened, your brother seemed to start hating you. It hurt, the snide comments he would make and the digs at how you looked. If it was anyone else, you would have verbally berated them, but to hear them coming from your twin, your best friend, hurt more than anything else. You didn't understand why he started acting the way he did, maybe you had done something to upset him, but nothing ever came to mind. Part of you feared that maybe it had clicked in his head that you were never supposed to be here and he hated you for it, and this was his way of getting rid of you. The very thought made you sick.


You hated being alone with Jacob now. It was the time he could make the worst comments about you and not get into trouble for them and know that he wouldn't get into trouble for them. It never used to be like that, you used to be the best of friends, then all of the accusations came out and it was like he despised you, your best friend became your own worst enemy. But you couldn't find it in you to make the comments about your brother, you didn't want to do to him what he was doing to you. 

"Mom and dad just left the place, they should be back soon," Jacob said, standing at the doorway of your room. You looked up from your laptop and Jacob's breath hitched at how miserable you looked, but he wouldn't let you know that. Even he didn't understand his suddenly asshole-ish behaviour towards you, but he was angry, and you just happened to be the only person around often enough to take it out on. "Stay up here though, you annoy us if you come downstairs." You sighed sadly and nodded, turning back to your computer.

"I wouldn't come down anyway," You mumbled. "All you do is make fun of me and make me feel like shit." You said louder. 

"Maybe because you are?" Jacob said, an almost twisted grin on his face. You scoffed and shook your head, you had had enough of his attitude towards you.

"What's your damage, Jacob?" You asked him, standing up and facing him. "I get it, I do. But just because you're at rock bottom doesn't mean I have to be too, I get that we're twins but we don't have to go down together." You said. Jacob furrowed his eyebrows in anger and watched as you pushed past him to go down the stairs.

"Well, Y/N, have you ever thought that maybe I don't wanna be your twin, or even your brother?" You held back your tears and the urge to go and scream in Jake's face that you never did anything wrong to him. Jacob followed you downstairs to the living room, stopping a few feet away from you when you spun around on your heel to face your brother. You had an open-mouthed smile on your face.

"And you think I wanna be your sister? For the past three weeks you have made my life a complete and utter misery for no reason whatso-fucking-ever! So what makes you think for a single second that I would wanna be your sister anymore?" You were both so caught up in emotions that you never heard your parents come in. Andy and Laurie came into the living room to see you and Jacob standing against each other as if it were a shoot out.

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