Pity Party

2.6K 31 13

Anonymous asked:

Andy barber x daughter reader where she's on her period and gets really mad at him for no reason but he thinks it's because of Jacobs trial?? I understand if you don't want to write this because it's not a very strong storyline 😊

Warnings; Periods, swearing, yelling, fluff, 

Word Count; 2.1k

A/N; Hope the anon who requested enjoys!


You sat on the couch, a blanket wrapped around you and a heating pad on your lower stomach. It was one of the downs of being a female, you felt like someone was ripping your insides apart and then setting them on fire. Laurie had gone out to the store for groceries and supplies for you, meaning you were stuck in the house with your dad and younger brother. Jacob wasn't exactly that much younger than you, only by about 20 minutes, but it didn't matter to you, you were still the oldest twin. Jacob knew that when you were on your period, you could go from needing a hug one minute to wanting to rip someone's head off the next. So, he would try and keep you happy by staying away from you, but with everything going on, it made it kind of hard since you were both being homeschooled and had to see each other every day. Another cramp hit you and you groaned, pushing yourself further into the couch in the hope of it swallowing you whole.

"Y/N, are you down here?" You heard your dad come downstairs and you cringed, he might have been your dad, but it didn't make it any less awkward to talk about it to him about it.

"Where else would I be?" You asked him. Andy furrowed his eyebrows and walked into the living room, seeing you wrapped in a blanket and a heating pad stuck onto your stomach. "You okay?" He asked, sitting down beside you.

"I'm peachy, thanks, dad," You said sarcastically. Your dad sighed and hung his head, he really was at a loss. You were never really one to give anyone attitude, so this was new. But he put it down to what was going on with Jacob and the trial. What teenager wouldn't be a little angry if their brother was being accused of murder? 

"Where's your mom?" He asked you, trying to change the subject. Your eyes flicked to the side so you could look at your dad, your eyes narrowed.

"She's out, said she was gonna get stuff," You told him briefly. Throwing your blanket off, you stood up and held the heating pad to your abdomen and went to leave the living room. Your dad took your hand and looked up at you, concern in his eyes.

"You alright?" He asked you.

"Yes, dad. I'm fine," You assured him. Andy let go of your hand and let you go upstairs to have peace to yourself. Every step going up the stairs made you want to lie down and die, but right now, you just wanted to see your brother. You were each other's best friends, you never fought with each other, and your parents were convinced you were those kinds of twins that could read each other's minds and talk to each other. You near enough threw yourself into Jacob's room and onto the floor, laying on your stomach and sighing in relief because the heating pad was just in the right position. Jacob was sitting at his desk with his earphones in, and he only became aware of you in his room because of the thump you made when you flung yourself down. Jacob took his earphones out and turned to face you.

"Oh no. What day are you on?" He asked you. You held up three fingers and groaned as you shifted to sit and then stand up. 

"I think I scared dad a little," You said as you flopped down on Jacob's bed. "I didn't mean to sound so bitchy to him,"

"Well, you're not exactly in the best mood right now," Jacob said, coming over to where you were sitting. He pulled you up, half of your body was on his bed and half of it wasn't. "Are you sure that that heating pad isn't doing anything other than burning you up?"

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