Modernity Has Failed Us

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anonymous asked:

alright, tw for sexual assault. my request was that reader was sexually assaulted/raped. she doesn't want to tell Andy bc he has Jacob to deal with, and the trauma has left her afraid of men in general, and her dad is much bigger and stronger than she is - it's intimidating. she shuts down, stops eating, can't get out of bed. Andy notices eventually that she's depressed, he holds and comforts her and promises that he'll always protect her. maybe they both cry a lot? IDK. no worries if you can't!

Warnings; SEXUAL ASSAULT!!!! Swearing, yelling, angst by the dozen,

Word count; 3.4k

A/N; Please adhere to the warnings, this does contain sexual assault and I don't want to trigger anyone. I hope the anon who requested this enjoys!


You pulled your jacket across yourself as you made your way home, a blank look on your face. Everything hurt, hell, it hurt to breathe. His name was Leonard, you saw his name tag as he was on top of you. He had grabbed and pulled you into a back-alley, that was when he raped you. At that moment, it felt like nothing you said mattered. It felt like you as a person didn't matter. He used you like you were nothing more than something for him to use and then throw away. As you walked up to your house, everything felt different. Well, more different than usual. Would you be able to face your family? In short, you would, you couldn't. With everything going on with your twin brother, Jacob, you couldn't take away from the case, after all, it was your fault, right? That's why no one came when you were crying for help, it was your fault, it had to be, hadn't it been? You opened the front door and heard laughing coming from the living room, that was right, you were supposed to be at Paige's house while they were watching a movie.

"Hey, honey. You're home early," Laurie said, turning around on the couch. The fact was, you never made it to Paige's house, you were a few blocks away from her house. You texted her that something came up.

"Something came up," You murmured, starting to walk upstairs. Laurie looked at Andy, who was watching you go up the stairs with concern in his eyes. It wasn't like you to turn up home without letting your parents know first. You shut the room of your door and slid down it. You wanted to cry and scream and yell all of the profanities you knew, but you couldn't. You felt like you were trapped inside your own body, and that you were just a shell walking around. Like you were there, but at the same time, you weren't. It felt as though every wall you ever built to protect yourself from being harmed had been torn down and you were now left vulnerable to anything and everything, you were scared. 


You hadn't slept that night, or the one after it, or even the one after that. With more and more being uncovered in Jacob's case, you found yourself falling further and further behind your family. They were moving, you were stuck in a state of what you called of eternal depression. You had maybe eaten once and it was with your brother, mainly because he had begged that you came and sat with him because he had been missing you. 

"Are you sure you're okay? You look like a zombie," Jacob said. You sighed and looked at your brother and he nearly winced. You were sitting in front of him, sure, but you had a faraway look in your eyes that made him want to hug you because it would bring you back to reality.

"I'm fine, Jake," You assured him, or maybe it was yourself. You weren't sure anymore. The pain hadn't left, everything still hurt. But, you had to make it seem like it didn't. "I just didn't sleep well last night," 

"You said that yesterday," He reminded you. You muttered a small 'oh' and turned back to what you were supposed to be eating, but you felt sick just by looking at it. "Y/N, you're scaring me. Please talk to me," He said. 

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