Out Loud

2.9K 45 3

Warnings; ANGST! Swearing, yelling, mentions of abuse, sadness, self-doubt, OOC!Andy, 

Word Count; 2.6k

A/N; I hope the anon who requested enjoys!


You could tell your dad was angry-no, not angry, pissed at you. He hadn't said anything since you got into the car, usually, he would have started yelling about how you can't keep drawing attention to yourself and that it was the wrong thing to do. But he stayed quiet, scarily quiet. You said nothing either, mainly because you were scared that if you did he would blow up at you, and oh boy he did when he got home. He pulled into the garage and turned to look at you briefly, a scowl on his face. Your heart panged, he had never given you that look before.

"Dad, I-" He slammed his door shut, making you flinch in your seat before he came around to the passenger side and opened your door.

"Out, now," You didn't dare go against what he was saying, so you stood up and got out, walking into the house. You looked for your mom or your twin brother, but they were nowhere to be seen. "Go to your room, I'll be up in a minute," You walked up the stairs. Oh God, you had never seen him this angry before, you had never made him this angry before, never in your 14 years of living. You sat on your bed and thought about what you had done, looking back, it wasn't even that bad. You couldn't figure out why your dad was so mad. The door of your room opened and you looked up to meet the angry eyes of your dad. "What the fuck, Y/N?" His tone was harsh, he never used it on either you or Jacob, you had only heard him talk like that over the phone, but never to your face.

"I-I'm sorry," You said quietly. Andy scoffed and shook his head.

"Sorry isn't good enough, Y/N. Everything is at stake here, your brother's future, this family. Do you want to be the reason you never see your brother again?" He asked you. Tears flooded your eyes at the thought of never seeing your twin again.

"No, but you have to listen-"

"I don't have to listen, Y/N, you do. When are you gonna get it through that thick skull of yours that you can't keep doing this, or are you that stupid," You started to back away from your dad.

"I'm not stupid!" You defended yourself. Andy had never called you that before, and it hurt to hear him talk to you like that.

"Really? Because as of late, I'm beginning to think otherwise," Andy didn't see the tears streaming down your face or the way you were slowly backing away from him in fear. He started coming towards you.

"I don't know what you want me to say or do, I made a mistake, people make them every day!" You cried. Andy nodded in agreement and hummed.

"Yeah, me and your mom made one about 15 years ago," Your heart began to tug as he talked about you. "Sometimes I wish we just had your brother, it would have made our lives a hell of a lot easier. You were nothing but a mistake, Y/N, you were never supposed to be here. All you are is more trouble than you're worth," You tried to convince yourself that it wasn't your dad standing in front of you confirming all of your very worst fears. That it was just some illusion your mind had made up. But any time you looked up, all you saw was your dad looking down at hatefully. If Andy was in the right state of mind, he would have stopped as soon as he saw you crying, but he was so angry, but not at you. At the whole damn world, you just happened to be the one he took it out on. Andy was towering over you, for a 14-year-old, you were pretty small, so a guy your dad's size towered over you. You tried to speak, but it felt like the air had been sucked out of your lungs and you couldn't speak anymore, it wasn't as if you would know what to say anyway.

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