Jet Pack Blues

2.1K 28 3

anonymous asked:

I've requested this to some ppl before, but I just love the angst. Can I request one Andy Barber x daughter! Reader, where she's in the car in the moment of the accident too and it's in a super bad condition (like Jacob) in the hospital, but when she wakes up she remembers everything and tells Andy what really happened? You can end it however you want! Lots of love!

Word Count; 2.6k

A/N; First of all, I just wanna say thank you all for being so supportive, I truly love you all and appreciate all of your messages. Second, I want to leave this as a last gift before I take a small hiatus from writing. And third, and lastly, I hope the anon who requested enjoys this, I had this in my drafts for a while and I had a small strike of inspiration to write something before I left, I also changed this from what the request asked for.

WARNINGS: !!!SPOILERS FOR EPISODE 8 OF DEFENDING JACOB!!! Car accidents, angst, mentions of murder, angst, sad reader, sad Andy, Laurie being a bad mom,


You and Jacob sat in his room, both of you playing a video game that you didn't care about the name of. All you cared about was that Jacob's charges were cleared because Leonard Patz confessed to murdering Ben Rifkin and that you would be able to be a family again, or whatever your family was. You and Jake were twins, and inseparable at that. At first, you were a suspect in Ben's murder, but your name was never officially cleared, they just became adamant that it was Jacob who killed Ben. Then everything steadily went downhill, but you were determined to make sure that Jacob wasn't guilty,  even if it meant you went down with him, he was your brother, you went down together or you didn't go down at all. 

"You're terrible at this," Jacob said, putting his controller down on his lap. You looked at him in offence.

"Shut up, I haven't played this game in forever," You excused yourself. "And anyway, I can't concentrate," You told him. He looked at you and furrowed his eyebrows.

"What's up?" He asked, pausing the game and turning to face you. He was sitting on one of the beanbags on his floor and you were sitting on his bed.

"Do you think mom's okay? She's been acting really weird around us since Mexico," You said. Jacob sighed and came to sit beside you. "I'm probably worrying over nothing, right?"

"You have a habit of that, Y/N. Mom's fine, she's just stressed because of the move," Jacob assured you. You sighed and nodded. "You're sure that's all?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm just glad that this is all over, we can get outta here, finally," You said. Jake smiled at you and gently pushed you, but you made yourself fall off of his bed. "Jake!" You whined. Jacob laughed at you and you pouted. Your pout quickly became a grin as you grabbed Jacob's foot and yanked him off of his bed, making him land on his floor with a thud and a groan.

"Y/N!" Jacob whined in the same tone you used. You smiled at your brother innocently, acting as though you had done nothing wrong. "I hate you,"

"I love you too,"


Your mom had offered to take Jacob to get his hair cut, yours didn't need cut but your mom knew that you needed out because it had been days since your last outing. You had your head against the window of your mom's car, watching as the raindrops bounced off of it and onto the road, sometimes merging into one and running down the window. You weren't paying much attention to what your mom and brother were talking about.

"Just, like, trim around the earsand the back, like last time," Jacob was talking about how he was gonna get his hair done, it had been the longest it had ever been.

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