I genuinely have no idea what happened over Christmas.
I could barely restrict because parents.
I hated it.
They were constantly on my tail making sure I ate 3 meals a day.
I hated my body the whole time.
I couldn't bring myself to step on the scales.
It was the longest I'd been in months without weighing myself.
I would suck my tummy in and pinch at any fat that I could find, wishing it could disappear.
It never did.
At least, it never felt like it did.
I could see my thighs getting bigger, and my tummy too.
At the end of the Christmas break (2 weeks long where I live), I decided I had to weigh myself to see how much I had put on.
I needed to know how much restricting I had to do next term.
Would I get 1,000 calories a day?
Would I get 300?
It was all down to this one weigh in.
My legs were trembling as I stood on the scales.
It took me a couple of minutes to bring myself to look at my weight.
But I did it.
I looked down.
And I lost 3kg over Christmas.
Your eyes did not just deceive you.
I lost 3kg!
I was so happy.
So, so, so happy.
My friends didn't understand why I was so happy, but I ended up restricting less in the hope that whatever I had been doing would work again.
I hoped that whatever I was doing over Christmas would carry on.
I really, really wanted it to.
Let's just say it kind of didn't.

Skinny Girl
Random*TRIGGER WARNING* Please don't read this if you have suffered (or are suffering) with an eating disorder. It's not good for you, and I don't want to hurt you. I do NOT encourage any of this behaviour. I know how awful it is, but sometimes you just...