Naturally Slim

201 8 5

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I was always quite slim.

I mean, I was never overweight.

Never even close.

But I was healthy.

And I was happy.

I remember a time when my thighs touched.

And I remember a time when I didn't care what people thought of my body when I was wearing a swimming costume or a ballet leotard.

I remember when I wore skirts that were comfortable, rather than tightening the waistband as much as I could just to appear skinny.

I always ate 3 meals a day, and I often had a snack at break time too.

I was just like my friends.

I wish I could go back to being that happy, carefree kid.

I didn't even know what a calorie was!

Now my life is controlled by them.

I remember when, in year 6, the nurse came to measure our weights and heights.

I was only just a healthy weight, almost underweight.

And my friend came into school the next day crying, because she had been measured as overweight.

She was so upset.

And I didn't understand.

I didn't see a problem with how she looked.

She ate about the same as I did.

But her parents put her on a diet.

I'd never even known children could go on diets at that point!

I remember her having a salad for lunch, whilst I was sat there with my cheese sandwich, yoghurt and cereal bar.

That was the first time I ever felt greedy.

Because my friend had to put up with just a salad whilst I could eat all of this?

I didn't think it was fair.

At that point, I kind of started to hate my body.

But I knew that there was no way to lose weight without my mum knowing.

So I didn't.

I just stayed the way I was.

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