》 Chapter 3《

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>Art not owned by me<

3rd PoV

As [Y/N] and emporor walked out of the office together [Y/N] felt a small glare coming from behide her and started to shiver a bit knowing it was Tamari, But as the office door shut you then sighed.

Emperor then looked at you confused a bit wounding if you was cold.

As [Y/N] was walking down the hallway with emperor everyone then started to stare at you mumbling things like.

*Students comments*

*Are they together?

Probably they are?*

*Just because there #1 team
Doesn't mean nothing.

Yeah but emperor will*
Bring them down.

*End of students comments*

[Y/N] slowly started to get uncomfortable with the talking/Rumors.

[Y/N] PoV

"Do they really think that were together. . . Oh gosh.. if this rumor spreads then my team might think I'm working for the enemy." You thought to yourself.

As you was about to slowly walk away and about to forget about the tour you was giving emperor, Emperor then grab your hand before you can.

"You can run off later but first I need that tour." He said smirking.

[Y/N] slowly started to blush [I/C] a bit then let go of his hand and said "fine. . ."

Everyone in the hallway quickly reacted to emperor actions and some faint wanting emperor to grab there hand to.

[Y/N] giggled a bit at the people who fainted on the hard floor knowing that hurted.

"Cute~.." Emperor thought to himself and continue the tour with you.

Time skip brought to you by
Anime ^^

As you was finished giving Emperor the tour of the whole school it was almost the end of the day, but it's Lunch/Break and you and Emporor was in the courtyard.

[Y/N] then sighed and said "I should get going back to my team for break." As you was about to walk off, Emperor stop you and your tracks and said "May my team join you this one time for this period."

"What . . . Wait.. this is my chance to maybe let Tamari Forgive me! But bring Emperor and his team!" I thought to myself and said "sure! Meet us on the rooftop I then walked off."

As I was walking upstairs to the rooftop I then heard yelling from Tamari. . I cracked the door abit to hear better and what I heard was unbelievable. . .

[Tamari PoV]

"Ugh! [Y/N]! [Y/N]! Over me?! What was emperor thinking choosing her to tour over me. I would kick her off the team.!" Tamari said angrily.

"Tamari calm down! You can't kick [Y/N] off the team just because of that! Just remember. . . Emperor team is a Enemy And [Y/N] would never betray us. But you Tamari your getting in your feeling because of him!" Levi said in a pissed tone.

"Guy's without [Y/N] we would have never been at the top. . . Remember when we was freshmen at this school and we was at the bottom. . . But when [Y/N] Joined us we was unstoppable . . ."
Strike said.

"To be honest why is [Y/N] Still the Co-leader-" Levi was cut off by his words.

"Because [Y/N] will never be a good leader just like me." Tamari said angrily.

[Y/N PoV]

You felt like crying after all those words you heard.. you never knew Tamari was like that but, as you was about to walk away Emperor team was behide and asked if you was ready, you wanted to say "No"..but you said "yes" with a emotionalness look on your face and open the rooftop door wild.

Emperor and his team went in first then as you closed the door. There was only two spots left. One next to Emporor and the other next to Levi.

But as you was about to grab a chair next to Emperor Tamari took action and sat there and said, "Sorry [Y/N] I hope you don't mind..!" You sighed then sat by Levi.

[After a good conversation]

[Y/N] then got up from her seat and said, "i..don't feel well..I'm gonna go now.." As [Y/N] was about to leave Emperor called out to you, "I can walk you home?" He said with a calm voice.

You then blushed [I/C] abit and Said, "it's fine, I'll just call my sister." You said smiling at Emperor.

Levi then looked at Emperor pissed off and Tamari then looked at you like she wanted to yell.

As you walk off emperor then said, "I guess we should get going as well, it was nice having lunch with you."

Emperor and his Team then walked off.

A.N. Hey guy's sorry if this story was short but the next one will be longer I promise!❤ but thank you for reading.  [P.s- Sorry for taking a while to make chapter 3-] Bai bai~^^

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