》Chapter 6《

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>Art not owned by me<

[Vintage PoV]

As I was walking back to the meeting room, I felt a glare on me, but it was emperor who was watching me I then ask "Why are you staring at me like that, and where the hell is the rest of my team and your's?"

Emperor then got out of his throne, and walked over to me and said,"your team is in a different room, Right now let's not worry about that and let me ask about the incident that happened in the hallway with [Y/N]."

I was surprised to hear him asked that question, But I also forgot he had cam's around his mansion hall's then I quickly said,"why are you worried about a Loli like her! She nothing but a Rank S. Get over yourself, and her because she can be with who ever she please to be with."

Emperor hearing those words I said made him chuckle a bit.

"What so funny.?" I said confused.

"Look Vintage, [Y/N] is mine! And If you don't like that you can leave, right now." Emperor said.

As I was grabbing my jacket and bag, I then looked at Emperor and said, "Its not your choice. It her own choice if she want to be with you or not, Oh and by the way the important news was I'm am now going to your school." I then walk off texting me team "it time for us to go" and the meeting door room shut as I saw emperor face alittle shooked.

[Y/N] PoV

I was finished wrapping my hurt arm from the burn and was now spending time with Kimi and Prince in there secret indoor garden which was well taken care off.

All of a sudden a question came up from prince,"Hey Kimi and [Y/N]. . .
Why was you guy's both mad when you came back in here?"

I then looked away and sighed as I was about to answer his question emperor came into his secret garden thinking no one was there.

Prince then yelled out,"Big brother!" And got up and ran over to him and hugged him tightly.

I then laughed at the Adorableness that was coming from the two, that was believed they called it "Brotherly love"
You then rolled your eyes playfully then got up and walked over to emperor and so did kimi.

"Alright alright- calm down prince, I need to show them to there guest rooms" Emperor said calmly.

"Okay Big brother!^^" he then skipped off to his room leaving us with emperor.

"Okay follow me to your guest rooms" emporor said.

As we was walking, it turned out me and Kimi had separated guest rooms, but our guest room was beside eachother.

As I enter the guest room it was so big with a fluffy bed, But as the door closed emperor and Kimi looked like they was having a serious talk, but you didn't bother so you went to go take a shower.

[Kimi PoV]

"What did you want to talk about kimi?" Emperor ask confused.

"Its about Vintage. . . By any chance do you know why he was actually here. . . I know it's not my business to cut in to your important meeting, but I just need to know not as a person, But as [Y/N] Sister." I said passionly.

He understood and nodded, "Vintage is going to the same school as me and [Y/N] for some reason, he never told me why." Emperor said in a calm tone.

"Wait?! Vintage going to the same school as you and [Y/N] there must be a mistake! Why your's and [Y/N] school there many of other schools!" Kimi said abit scared.

"I'll protect her." He mumbled.

"What now?" I said confused.

"I mean, I'm gonna go grab you guy's more clothes for tonight and towel, I'll go grab them now!" He then walked off.

As kimi open your door she heard you just have turn the shower on then she closed the door smirking.

[Y/N] PoV

5 minute pasted as you was in the shower and as emperor came back with towels/clothes as he went into Kimi room first and place it on her bed, she thanked him then smirk as he walked out.

Emperor then walked into your room to put the towel on your bed but as you walked out of the bathroom emperor blushed bright yellow and throwed the towel/clothes on the bed in ran out.

You look confused because you was wearing a long shirt, which covered your body then laughed.

As you pick up the clothes it was N-pacer clothes she left for you to used.

Then you thought to yourself, "Emperor your such a mess" then laugh alittle more when you saw his flustered face was priceless.

Hey guy's! Asahi here, and I wanted to say thank you so much for 200! Views on my story! I'm glad you guys enjoyed it!^^ baii~

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