》Chapter 7《

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>Art not owned by me<

-After the 4th of July-

[3rd] PoV

[Y/N] was getting packed for school. . . Thinking about what happened at the 4th of july fireworks show. . .

[Y/N] PoV

Everything felt to real. . . I just didn't know what to do anymore, But the oddest thing is that I had got pull in early for school.

I sighed and thought to myself,"First the firework show now I have to go to school early?! And my team didn't which they thought was weird, Am I gonna get expelled?!"

"[Y/N]! C'mon! I'm driving you to school so you better hurry up!" Kimi said.

Coming! I yelled back from upstairs.

"Better be because your boyfriend Emperor down here!" Kimi yelled back teasing.

"What?! He is?!"I ran downstairs fast and said "and he not my Boyfriend!" I said blushing [I/C].

"Whatever you say sis~" kimi rolled her eyes playfully.

"I'm being hones- Ah!" I fall downstairs losing my balance, Emperor then caught me in Bridal Style saving me from my fall.

Kimi then take out her phone and takes a picture, "You guys are so cute!"

"No where not!" I said blushing bright [I/C].

"Then why are you blushing sweetie~" Emperor said in a soft tone.

"Can someone tell me why he here?" I said blushing [I/C] still.

"Because the Creator-" Emperor was cut off.

"BECAUSE! He gonna be going with you to school to see what it all about", Kimi said as she glared at emperor.

"Yeah, that why I'm here" Emperor said while looking away and putting me down.

"Well then there no time to waste, let's go!" I said excitedly!

-Meanwhile at school-

"So your telling me we have transferred  students again?" I said alittle confused.

"Yes, but I don't think you'll be showing them around because your team not here with you" emperor said.


"Oh, probably I mean I'm new to your school and I honestly don't know when reports come out" emperor said calmly.

As me and Emperor arrived to the office we stood in front of the door.

"Well this is my time to shine" I said confidently as I open the door slowly.

"V-vintage?.." I looked at him alittle scared but confused.

He turned his head behide his shoulder to glance who was at the door then he fully turned around and face you.

"Oh, hello [Y/N], So your the Number 1 team in this school they talk about, Are you the leader of that team." Vintage said with a cold look.

I thought to myself,"What up with him he was so nice at the 4th of july, but now he so Cold..." you said to yourself then looked away.

"What are you doing here..?" You asked alittle confused but afraid to look him in the eyes.

"Well, I'm not here for you, I came here to 4v4 Emperor team in the final's but now, I know that you go to this school, this will surely be interesting." Vintage said as he tried to walk closer to me.

"Don't come close to me." You stopped Vintage in his tracks, "Emperor you knew about this didn't you!" You said as you looked up at emperor almost with tear's in your eye's.

"Yes, I did sweetie..But I wanted to tell you-" he was cut off.

"When.., When were you going to tell me." You said.

Emperor stayed silent.. and so did everyone in the room.

"Well, that was touching but, now that your here [Y/N]-," The principal was cut off.

"I'm going home, and principal how about you show the students around yourself rather then ask for help, Oh wait, You can't, After what you did to the other students who tried to pass our #1 team you killed them, and you don't want word getting out right?" You said pissed off.

Everyone looked at the principal, But [Y/N], the principal looked mad but scared that word would get out.

"You are good to go, [Y/N]" The principal said as she mumbled  your last name as well, "Satsujin".

Everyone looked surprised as they heard your last name for the first time.

"And goodbye to you as well, Ms.Satsujin" I said as I walked out of the office.

*School day's passed and training as well, I never really talk to the X-Blood or Emperor team at all, and finally! The turf war finale were here.*

A/N. Hey guy's sorry for taking to long with the episode 7! But I hope you enjoy (Totally not a cliff hangerrr) words used: 780! I just want the battle to be in one full story together and not end it right at the moment it gets better! Heh~ baiii~!!

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