》Chapter 10《

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>Art not owned by me<


As [Y/N] was waking up in the Infirmary, all she saw was all black [Y/N] then looked around, as her vision got better then [Y/N] saw everything clearly.


"W-what happened..?" You then said out loud.

"You hurt yourself during the match.."
A unknown voice said.

"Huh?!" You then sat up to see who was talking then hurted your leg as you moved, "Ouch!"

The unknown person then came out of his hiding place then showed his self, "E-emperor?!" You said in shock.

Emperor sighed and said, "Darling, with these injuries, you can't play your part in the battle..."

"My Part in the battle?.. Emperor what are you saying?!" You said confused, but didn't want to believe it.

"Yes, you hurt your leg and if you walk on it you might just fall down judging by the fall" Emperor said.

"Wait, so which team won?!" You said scared.

"The..Golden Rain team won, The X-blood lost.."Emperor said in a low tone.

"No, this can't be happening...!" I was about to yell til the principal came in, "But it is,[Y/N]...You can't play your last match with a injury like that..!" the principal said, alittle Mad.

"Just leave me alone.. for a few minutes..I just need peace.." you then said as you close your eyes.

As you was trying to sleep. . .

Emperor and the principal then left the Infirmary, then 2 other people then came in once they left.

"See I told you, my plan would work, knocking your strongest members off of the team, would make us win 100% right Tamari!"??? Said.

As you heard Tamari name you then listen in a bit. .

"Your right, Drizzle that teaches her not to mess with emperor again, now we can both have what we want, You can have Vintage as we promise and I can have Emperor, and once we win this battle, and [Y/N] was no good help to our team, we could replace her with you Dizzel." Tamari said laughing abit.

"Tamari, me and you been best friend forever, Why did you not just invite me to your team, before you met this girl" Dizzel said.

"Well, let's say she had something I wanted, so let's just say I used her popularity and good skills to be #1! Anyway let's get out of here before she wakes up." Tamari said.

As they was walking out, Dizzel then said, "Would it be funny if she was already awake and was listening to our Conversation." Then they both laughed and lefted.

I then opened my eyes slowly, to see tears rolling down my eyes..

"They sabotage me.." all of a sudden you didn't feel pain anymore and didn't really care, You got up then walk to the office, Vintage then saw you and followed you to see what you was up to and was worried, and curious what you was doing out of bed.

"Mother..." I said as I shocked her surprise, "Yes, Sweetie what do you need" she then said smiling.

>Strike and Levi to my office, Stike and Levi to my office now!<

[10 minutes later]...


"You guy's ready to win this battle against emperor team!" She said happily.

"Why, are you so happy about this Tamari? [Y/N] just got hurt and now your replacing her with a new person! You should be ashamed of yourself Tamari." Strike said.

"Plus, Tamari we have automatically win anyway.." Levi said quietly.

"What do you mean?!" Tamari said confused in mad.

"Emperor team back down Tamari so we have no match up against them just the Golden Rain team.." Levi said.

"WAIT WHAT?!" Tamari and drizzle yelled, "When did emperor in his team back out of the match?!" Tamari said.

"Oh, he didn't back out- he just didn't want to do the fight without [Y/N] in the battle, so Emperor and Vintage went and took her out for icecream-"Strike then cloved his mouth.

"WHAT?!" Levi,Dizzel,and Tamari said.

"Oop's, I said Alittle to much-- [Y/N] told me not to tell you that part, as in where they was going-" Strike said with a tear behide his head.

[With Y/N]pOv

As me and Emperor was waving Goodbye to Vintage.

"So Emporor, What did you want to tell me?" You said as you smiled.

"Since were at the beach, and the sun is about set, [Y/N] there something I need to tell you something. . ." Emperor said smiling

"What is it?" You said blushing [I/C].

Emperor then leaned in closer to me,and took a leaf out my [I/C] Tentacles.

"Emperor, I.. Thank yo-" as I was about to speak, emperor then leans in more and kisses you.

You was shocked, but you didn't want it to end, so you kissed back- With alittle bit of French kissing. (😉😏)

[Tamari] PoV

As she was running towards the beach to stop you emperor from being alone together, she then saw a slight for Sore eyes, it was [Y/N] and Emporor kissing.

A/N- Hey guy's! Asahi-Bear here, I hope you enjoy this emperor X reader series, Hmmm~ what would happen next~ find out next time? Will your team kick you off or spear you, what other danger would you come into?~ wait in see next time~!
Bai bai~!

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