》Chapter 11《

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>Art not owned by me<
>Cussing warning<
Aaa- Edited
[Emperor] PoV

As me and [Y/N] was hanging out with Vintage, Vintage then pull me aside in the inkcream place.

"Emperor." Vintage then sighed and got straight to the point,"I know you like her" Vintage then said as he leaned against the wall.

"W-what I-" I then cleared my throat and said, "And do you have a problem with that" I said as I glared at him abit while people was watching.

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't but, just so you noticed, I will steal her away if you don't make your move." Vintage then said with a glare.

I then now knew where this was going.

I just smirked,"Challenge acce-" I was then cut off by [Y/N] Sweet voice.

"Huh? What do you mean by challenge?" [Y/N] said alittle confused.

"Eh it's nothing [Y/N], Just alittle talk between Me and Emperor." Vintage said calmly.

Me and Vintage then heard people talking about [Y/N] and then I looked at her as I was about to say something, [Y/N] just tugged on me and Vintage shirt's.

"Let's just go to the beach." [Y/N] then said smiling.

I smiled and said,"Sure, as long as it get us away from this crowd of people."

As we got to the beach, Vintage then had a important meeting to get to and had to leave, me and [Y/N] then waved Goodbye to him.

But, I couldn't stop thinking about what Vintage said,"Better make the first move. . ."
As I was getting the leaf out of [Y/N] tentacle,"I will steal her away. . ." Then my mind just went blank, and I kissed [Y/N] Passionly, and without thinking who could be around to see it, But I didn't care. . . I just. . .-

[Y/N and Emporor]PoV

I just, Didn't want it to end. . .


I wanted to cry, after what I saw but, I was angry at the same time, I wanted to forget all that never happened until.

"[Y/N]!" Levi then came running down the sandy hillside,making his way over to [Y/N].

"Levi! Wait!" I then ran after him and Strike ran after me,But I was angry to, and I wasn't gonna let levi stand alone by his self.

As in we, as in me,strike and levi got down the hill to [Y/N] and Emperor, they already have stop the kissing,Levi was in between them, but it looked like he pushed them both away from each other.

"[Y/N] Explain.." levi said trying to to calm down.

"I.. Levi, I'm-" [Y/N] was then cut off.

"I SAID FUCKING EXPLAIN DAMNIT!" Levi said yelling, like he pop a vein vessel.

"First of all levi! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT FUCKING YELLING AT ME DAMNIT!" [Y/N] then said angrily.


"Well, I'm sorry Tamari, I know you like him but, he made his choice. . . And i-" Tamari then jumped you and was about to fight til.

"This fight is over" ??? Said while holding me back.

"AND WHO THE HELL ARE YOU TO CUT IN-" Dizzel said yelling, til she notice who it was.

"Vintage is my name, so don't forget who your talking to B-." Vintage then pulled me off [Y/N] and threw me aside.

Emperor then helped [Y/N] up,"Vintage, I thought you had a meeting?" [Y/N] said.

"Well, I did til I saw your team heading to you guy's way, so I end up following them, but I didn't know all this would happen" Vintage said not making eye contact with [Y/N].

"So that mean you saw us, Right.." [Y/N] said.

"Yeah." Vintage said then glared at strike.

"Strike. . . I'm so sorry I broke the rule,I'm such a bad team member."[Y/N] then looked away.

"No, it's fine [Y/N], I actually quit the team,tho Levi betrayed our plan.." strike said as Vintage,emperor,and [Y/N] Then looked at levi.

I then got up, from the sand that Vintage pushed me in, and said,"Good! Because we didn't need you on our team anyway! Me,Dizzel,and le-" I then paused to hear,"I quit the team to."
Levi then said and walked off.

"Levi wait-.." I then got even more pissed at [Y/N], "Look what you did [Y/N! You made levi sad, we would have both made this even if you would have, dated Levi,dizzel dated Vintage, and I dated emperor! But you just made the world even more miserabl-" I then stop talking the walked away with dizzel, "and By the way, your kicked off the team [Y/N]."

[Y/N] PoV

As they fully walked away, I wasn't in tear's, I was crying tear of joy, because I was tired of being bossed around by someone who never really liked me, and was alway fake to me, I then smiled, then everyone smiled as well, knowing I was happy to be off the team and we all celebrated- well not Vintage, he was just Colder then ever since me and emperor kissed.

But we all had our fun, and this was our happily ever af-(Principal in the bushes:WAIT WOAH! THIS IS NOT ENOUGH- don't joke like that creator you still have 1 more chapter to go!)

Fans your comments:

A/N Hey everyone Asahi-kuma here! And this is not the end yet~.. but sadly chapter 12 is the last chapter, But I hope you enjoy, and what was the principal doing in the bushes..creepy- 😖 20 follower special~!

970 words~

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