》Chapter 9《

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>Art not owned by me<

>Cussing warning!<

[Y/N] PoV

"Ughh! Why did I have to bump into him out of all people, there are plenty of other guys at this school, But why him-!" You quickly stop talking to yourself as you saw people staring and talking about you.

"Huh? Why are they all staring at me?! Was it because I was talking to myself??
Oh come on many of people talk to there self" I thought to my self as I didn't noticed someone walk up behide me.

"Hey- Uh? Are you [Y/N]-?" ??? Said.

I quickly turned around to see who it was, "Wait- Tomas?!? What are you doing here?!" I said abit scared and confused.

"*sigh*, I only came here because your mother wanted me to watch you play your matches, Y'know.." Tomas said like he didn't care.

"But you never accept her request before plus!-" Tomas then clover my mouth and said, "I never came here for you stupid brat! I'm came because she threatened me this time to come! UGH!"

He then uncover my mouth, then everyone was staring at him and saying how hot he was and was wondering if we was dating,But to me "He just another asshole!" I thought to myself.

I then looked at him and was about to say something til, "Ms.Satsujin Also wanted me to be your acquainted this turf war battle til your matches are up.." he said with alittle shyness in his voice.

"W-what the hell?! Why would I say yes to a asshole like you! You littery just called me a damn brat! And now your just telling me your gonna be my acquainted,  you should have thought before you said all those things to me." I Said alittle angry.

"I knew you wasn't gonna accept anyway, but the turf war battles have already started like 25 minutes ago! And plus you don't have a choice." He then grab my hand and pulled me alongside with him.

[30 Minutes later]

[3rd PoV]

After watching alot of battles and fights, we was down to the final 4 which would battle! And the last 2 teams that stands will battle to see who get to fight [T/N] team at the end.

. . . . . . . .




!end announcements!

"How interesting~.. X-blood and Emporor team is still out there, they really want to rule this school." You then roll your eyes then watches how everyone take a 5 minute break and chills.

"Ugh! This is boring! Why can't we just go out and fight them now!" You said outloud.

"Oh, C'mon watching the battles are not that bad to be honest, but most importantly, we can see how each team play's so we can watch out for them" strike says acting all smart.

Everyone then looked at Strike, knowing they do that each year, which made them want to punch strike,but then you was called down to the spawning areas which made you confused, "[Y/N] To the spawning area's [Y/N] To the spawning area now!"

You then got out of your seat and headed down to the spawning area on a the opposite team who was going up against X-blood, "Yes, Why was I called here?" You then said alittle confused.

"Well you see.. we need you to replace our teammate drizzle, something came up for her.. and she promised to come back for our next match-" you then spoke over them, "I'm in, for only 1 thing!"

[6 minutes later]

"Let the battles begin!"

You then jump down from the spawnpoint in dizzels gear so no one would noticed it was you, as you was inking with dizzel jet squelcher, no one seemed to notice it was you, you knew "camp triggerfish" from the back of your head, so you knew what to do, as you was inking you didn't realize you was in enemy base until Vintage started shooting ink at you with his main weapon, you then took clover behide a wall, as you was about to take a breather Vintage was all a sudden infront of you, "V-vintage I-" you then clover your mouth forgetting your dressed up as dizzel, "[Y/N] I know it's you, No need to hide it" he then put his weapon down then pinned me against the wall, "[Y/N] you should have made this more easier for us, you should not have accepted there team to go on without there teammate." Vintage then lean in alittle closer to you, You then caught him off guard and pulled out your weapon to his stomach and said, "But, what would have been the fun in that, Plus winning by default would be so unfair." You then shoot your ink at him making him get splated.

You then started to ink more, and dodging some of Vintage teammate as you past by them, but you soonly got found out and splated, it was almost time for the battle to end. . .

5. . . As you was inking you saw Vintage inking your base.

4. . .  As you was about to attack him from above someone then pushes you on purpose making you lose your balance.

3. . . Vintage then spotted you and was about to attack til he realize you was hurt and rush over to you.

2. . . "[Y/N] are you okay?? C'mon [Y/N] don't joke around you'll be okay-

1. . . [GAME!!]

Words: 940
A/N: Thank you so much for the votes! I honestly hope you enjoy this story! Littery I been up all night! Bai everyone, and Stay Kawaii!😊

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