》Chapter 8《

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>Art not owned by me<

Day's went by so quickly, til the day finally came. . . "The biggest turf war fight of the year!" (Basically who ever win will be able to go on a trip somewhere special with a friend/Family for a whole week +1"

[Y/N] PoV

Your alarm clock was going off as you was having a good dream. . .

"Beep beep beep beep bee-" you slammed your hand on the alarm clock to shut it up.

"Ngh.." you groaned as you sat up in your bed wondering why you woke up at 5am in the morning.

"Why the hell is my alarm clock going off-" you quickly notice it was 5am and Tamari wanted to train as early as possible.

You yawned as you got up, "Maybe I can take alittle abit long" you grab your [F/G] and got dressed and went to go wash your face.

5:15 am

You was eating breakfast and watching tv then you look at the time, "just 5 more minutes."

You then finished breakfast and wash your dishes in time, you then grab your [F/W] then headed out to the secret training place.

5:34 am

I arrived to see everyone training hard in a abandoned court we found surprising the spawn points was still working when our team found it, I then quickly snap back into reality when I saw poor strike on a team alone forgetting that I was his teammates this time.

I jumped inside the match without thinking, but I need to help Strike bc knowing him, he dislike being double teamed, strike was in the middle of the map confused on where to go since, he knew there was no way to out- they had completely cut all his ways off, Tamari and levi then jumped into action going for the kill from each side, but before they could get to him, I splated both of them without them seeing.

"Are you okay, strike?" I said smiling at him

"[Y/N]! Your here! I thought you'll never show up, but it's about time you did.!" Strike smiled at me feeling confident in his self.

I stopped smiling and went back to being serious, "Strike remember if your trapped, and there no where to go super jump to me, Okay?"

"Okay, I will" strike said proudly.

I then turned into my [I/O] form and swim away knowing that they must be hiding somewhere and without knowing- "Splat!" Tamari then splated me with her arrow spray.

As I respawned I saw most of our team ink on the ground meaning that strike killed Tamari who was guarding the middle and as I looked on my map, I saw that strike was in the enemy territory fighting, I quickly swim into there base and peeked around the corner to see levi and strike yelling at eachother while fighting, as I was about to step in I felt ink from above me and looked up to see Tamari about to attack me from above, I barely dodge her ink as she jump down, shooting her ink at me, I quickly swim away making her followed, as she fell into my trap as she climbed up a wall following me I left a bomb there, which she died from, then it was "Game!"

We all exited the court and took a break/breather, but something was off...Strike and levi was staring at eachother with a mean look, But I ignored it because I thought it was nothing.

"[Y/N] can you explain why your late?!"
Tamari then said alittle angry.

"Well I was taking my precious time getting here, thank for noticing" I said with a small chuckle.

Tamari then got mad alittle and was about to blow until I said, "plus, I'm not the one who need training.. I only came here just to help to be honest, and y'know that Tamari" I said as I looked away.

"Your right.. I-" I quickly cut Tamari off as she was about to say something, "I'm gonna get going now it's 6:20 and strike keep in mind, you can do this" I said with alittle smile and walked off.

"Spoken like a true team leader" Levi and Strike said at the same time.

"What did you guy's say?! Because, I'm right here! Hello! Can you guy's see me! Because I'm your team leader!" Tamari said pissed off.

Levi and Strike then walk off to go back and train while Tamari was going out control about being a team leader.

You yawned as you was about to enter your favorite cafe to get your [F/D], as you was in the line.

It was finally your turn to order, You then order your [F/D] and a small snack, as you was at the counter paying.

A few minutes later

You finally got your drink and snacks and headed off to school with a smile ready for a the turf war battles.

At school. . .

I finally arrived at school to see everyone in there groups pumped for the turf war battles, I was pumped as well to see who [T/N] was going up against.

But sadly you and your team had to wait to see who is in the finals, to go against there team.

As you was looking around at the decorations you then bumped into someone and fell, they then reached a hand out and you took it and help you up, as you looked up about to say "thank y-" you then realized it was Emperor and his team you paused on your word then took a step back and walked away.

Emperor PoV

"Woah, look like you made someone mad emmy~" N-pacer said with a laugh.

"Oh, be quiet were gonna make sure we leave a big impression on [Y/N] at the turf war" Emperor said with a smirk.

"Nii-kun do you have a plan?" Prince said so innocently.

"A big plan, come closer so can tell you the plan" Emperor says.

A.N. hey everyone! Asahi here^^ I hope this didn't take forever but next episode will be the greatest turf
Words: 1013
Hope chu enjoyed^^!! Bai~!!💖

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