》Chapter 5《

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>Art not owned by me<

[3rd PoV]

"Owe [Y/N] back? WAIT! Oooo! Don't tell me [Y/N] is actually faking to being your girlfriend to scare other girls off." Kimi laughed.

[Y/N] Blushed abit [I/C] At the point where she said "Girlfriend"

Kimi then looked at [Y/N] , then her eyes widen, "Wait are you guys actually dating?!"

[Y/N] then Blushed bright [I/C] "W-what! No, were not dating!" [Y/N] said, Almost alittle loud.

Emperor then mumble something under his breath.

"Did you say something", Kimi said curiously.

"Nope, Its nothing! Let's just head to my car." Emperor said.

[Y/N] was impressed to know he had a driver licenses, Then as Emperor pulled out a umbrella and opened it cloving over all of us, But as we was walking to his car, the wind then blew and move the umbrella from cloving me abit making me get a burn on my skin, Emperor then unlocked his car doors, then we all rushed into the car making sure rain didn't touch us.

[20 minutes later]
"We then arrived at Emperor big Mansion"

You was alittle surprised but speechless.

"Woah! I never knew you lived in Royalty!" Kimi said abit surprised.

Emperor then turned to [Y/N] then saw the look on your face, he then started to chuckle abit as he parked his car in the garage.

[Y/N] PoV

As you got out the car from emperor opening, The car door as you was about to say "Thank yo-" Kimi then interrupted.

"Wait! Does that mean, Your team is here as well?!" Kimi said excitedly.

"Well yes, they do live here with me, But at the moment we do have guests over."
Emperor then looked at the car parked in the garage and sighed.

"What wrong emperor?" You said abit worried.

"Oh, it's nothing darling~ let's just head inside, they must be looking for me." Emperor said calmly

As you,Emperor,and kimi enter the house you all felt nothing be tension coming down the hall from the livingroom, and all got a shivers up y'all spines, But not Emperor.

"Well, King call's you guy can look around, just do not go into the livingroom were all that tension is coming from." Emperor said calmly.

You and kimi nobbed, Then went the opposite direction from the livingroom, As Emperor walked into the livingroom and greeted the guests.

"Woah! This place is so big! Look at the main living room! Even 2 stair ways up to the same floor on eachside!" Kimi said inpressed.

You then headed upstairs to see gold on top of the ceiling in a nice pattern, as you head down the hall you then saw pictures on the doors, One with a sniper scope,clash blaster, and 2 Crowns one crown was small and the other one was Big, So without even thinking you headed into the Big crown room, Kimi went into the small one thinking she should do the opposite.

As you was looking around, you saw so much, Limited items and 100% gel all in a glass case.

You then felt the bed it was soft as a pillow, But then the burn on your arm started getting bad, so you headed into the bathroom that was in that room and saw a first Aid kit, But as you was about to grab it, Kimi then call for you making you forget about the first aid kit, and ran out the room without grabbing it.

There stand prince with a confused face, But when you look at Kimi, she looked like she was about to blow from his cuteness, but sadly kimi had a boyfriend.

"Who are you guy's?" Prince asked abit confused, with his little cinnamon face.

"I'm [Y/N] and this is my older sister kimi." [Y/N] said calmly

"So you guy's are the guests, Who gonna be staying with us for 1 night!" Prince said excitedly.

"Yup! We totally are! And I know you want us to play with you prince, and we're be honored to be your first friends." Kimi said.

It looked like prince wanted to cry out tears of joy as he hugged you and kimi.

"By the way?" You ask out of curiosity,
"Who the guests emperor is having a meeting with?"

"you have to find that out for yourself, but since were friends  I'll tell you when there about to leave so you can go have a peek." Prince said in friendly way.

You was heading back to the hall by the garage, you then saw one of the guests walk out early, but you heard him saying he have to go to the bathroom, as you peeked around the corner.

You then ran off as he was about to look your way, but you couldn't believe your eyes, Who it was.

As you was running, you didn't hear no one behide you but, someone grab your wrist, then turned you around and pinned you against the wall.

It was a blur on who it was, but when you got a glimpse, your [E/C] widen as you blushed Bright [I/C].

It was---

A.N. Cliff hanger! Thank you so much for 10 followers!
I won't end it here! I'm gonna do a special! Till I get to 1,200 word I'll end it!^^ Rn its 891 words! So back to the story!

It was the X-blood member- with his bright red eye, I couldn't help but blush because he was so close to my face, as he pinned me up against the wall.

"Who are you, Imposter!" [???] Said.

You then pushed him alway lightly, as you looked away, "First! That none of your business! Second, I'm a guests as well, So don't treat me like I'm so sorta B-!" As you was about to walk off, you then heard Kimi, shouting out you name.

"[Y/N]! [Y/N]! [Y/N]!! OMG! GUESS WHAT PRINCE SHOWED ME! YOU HAVE TO COME CHECK IT OUT-" Kimi then froze on her words.

"Vintage. . .?" Kimi paused on her words.

"Wait...! Vintage, My bully from 5th grade?!" You then back away slowly, then you thought to yourself. "(WAIT DID I JUST BLUSH AT MY BULLY?!)"
[Y/N] started to get flustered abit.

"What are you doing here." Kimi said, alittle mad.

Vintage then thought to his self. "(Woah, there still mad about what I done to [Y/N] in 5th grade, can they just put things in the past, plus I kinda did have a c-)"

"Hello?? Earth to Vintage." You said abit confused on why he zoned out.

He then gave you a glare then said, "sorry about grabbing you wrist but I just couldn't help but noticed, you had a burn on your arm, and if you don't get that clean, then it will spread around your body", he then looked away.

You then realized, you forgot about the burn, and quickly ran to a close by bathroom to grab the first aid kit.

[Vintage PoV]

"I'm sorry", he said with no emotion to kimi, then walked back to the meeting room.

"(If only I had the chance just to tell her the truth then. . . Everything would be fine...maybe..)"

A.N. haha..I end up making it 1,229 words, Oh well! I hope you guy's enjoyed this chapter! Bai!

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