》Chapter 4《

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>Art not owned by me<

[3rd PoV]

School was over. . . All [Y/N] could think of was Tamari, and the words she said. . .

[Y/N] quickly regained her mind back and looked out the window sighing

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[Y/N] quickly regained her mind back and looked out the window sighing.

And unexpectedly while you was caught off guard staring out your window Kimi ran in your room yelling, "LET'S GO TO THE MALL~!!"

[Y/N] then looked at Kimi in fear and said, "I mean it is a weekend. . . And I have no Team training. . So I guess I'll go! On one condition- No more over doing your credit card."

"Ugh! Finee~! Let's get going tho I don't wanna miss all the new things on sell!"
Kimi said.

Mean while at the mall. . .

[Y/N] PoV

"Were here finally, Next time we take the bus." You said out of breath-

"We can take the bus home, But right now we meet back here in 2hours I need to get my shopping in!" Kimi said excitedly.

"Oh okay, I guess I'll just go food-Court
And chill." You said as you tried to look at Kimi, but she was long gone.

You sighed to yourself and walked away and went to the food-Court.

As you was walking to the food-Court you then bumped into someone with a black hoodie, as you was about to fall he caught you from your fall.

[Y/N] looked up into his Sun yellow eyes Then immediately knew who he was.

"E-Emperor..? Is that you?.." you mumbles.

He quick pull you back up on your feet so you can stand up then pulled his hoodie down.

"Of course, Its me My dear, [Y/N]~." Emperor said in a soft tone.

You then blushed [I/C] then everyone started to stare at you emperor.


"Run!!!" Emperor said.

As you and emporor was running from fangirl's/fanboy's.

Emperor then ran into a dark alleyway but as [Y/N] was running trying not to get ran over by the fangirl's/fanboy's [Y/N] quickly got pulled into a dark alleyway and felled on top of emperor then he clovered her mouth.



"And who was that girl with him??"
Said, [fanboy-1]

"Probably, Just a friend? He would never date, he have so much ahead of him." Said, [Fangirl-2]

fangirl's/fanboy's starts talking about you and emporor.


Emperor slowly uncovered your mouth, "Are you okay [Y/N]-" he then realized how close you were to his face then blushed yellow.

"Y-yeah.. I'm fine." You slowly got up off of him and help him up.

"Soooo~ umm.. Wanna go grab a bite?-" you said.

Emperor slowly clover your mouth as fangirl's/fanboy's past by.

Emperor nodded his head, "But not here. . . Maybe my place, if you don't mind." Emperor smirk at you.

"But. . . Our team, Were enemy. . . We are not allowed to hangout together."
[Y/N] said.

"But that nonsense, were only enemies on the battle fields, but who said we could be enemies out the battlefield." He said calmly.

As I was about to walk away, he quickly grab my waist, "but I owe you one day" and then let go of your waist and walked off.

You quickly checked your time and realized that you was 3 hour late, and you sister Kimi was waiting for you, you quickly ran back to the entrance of the mall to see your sister Kimi waiting for you but then at the same time it was raining and the bus stop was a few walks away,but you both forgot your umbrella's.


Emperor then walked out of the mall with a gift bag and saw me and my sister sitting on the bench waiting for the rain to stop, then emperor slowly walked toward us.

"Hey [Y/N] and who might this be?" Emperor said.

Kimi looked up to see emperor and then start to yell.

"OMG! OMG! OMGGGG! YOUR THE FAMOUS EMPEROR MY SISTER WAS TALKING ABOUT THAT GOES TO HER SCHOOL NOW?!" kimi yelled but luckily no one was around to hear her.

Emperor laughed,"I never knew [Y/N]
Even talked about me~"

"Oh she talk so much about you,Plus she used to have a Cr-" kimi was block by her words.

"Mhm, What is it that you want emperor." [Y/N] said abit flustered

"Well, I wanted to know if I can drive you guy's home if it not far, but if it is far we can stop by my place and stay there for a night then we can send you too home later on in the morning/Afternoon." Emperor said in a calm tone.

"Oh we.. um kinda live far from here.. We walked you see". . . Kimi said in a speechless tone.

"Well, Honestly I don't mind if you stay a night, plus I do owe [Y/N]~". . .emperor said smirking at you.

A.N. Hey guys sorry for taking forever I had alot to think about for this next part! But I hope you guys enjoy^^ (Back to more anime~)

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