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"There are moments... moments that in a split second your life changes forever, and before you know it... you're somewhere else."

~Derek Shepherd

*Karli's POV*

"Mom please let me go with you and dad," I gave my parents a pleading look.

They were going on their monthly date night at our favorite Italian restaurant.

"No, you need to stay home and finish your schoolwork. You're extremely behind," My dad butted in.

That's true, I have 10 missing assignments and I'm failing two classes. I've been going through a really bad depressive episode and it's hard to do anything. I know I shouldn't use it as an excuse but shit happens you know? I gave in.

"Fine, go have your lovey-Dovey time, leave your 16-year-old daughter alone in a house full of boredom and loneliness." Sarcasm is probably my only talent other than eating 24/7.

"Yeah of course honey! That's what parents are for," both my parents laughed at me. "Have fun, love you!" I kissed both my parent's cheeks and hugged them.

My parents are weird, I understand that - but they're amazing. After all that I've been through, they caught me, they lifted me up when I was down. I have separation anxiety, so I really can't be alone at times, but my parents deserve to go out and have fun. Plus, what's the worst that can happen? They have a bitchy waiter? They've been together for 20 years, and the spark has not gone away once. They're my everything.

I have a pretty normal life. I have an amazing friend group, I'm talking to someone, I have really good grades, I'm not popular, but at the same time I'm not hated, and I'm the captain of the volleyball team (as a junior in high school that's impressive I'll admit.) So yeah, I'm normal.

To pass time, I went on Netflix and started watching 'Grey's Anatomy', it's my favorite show, and every time I watch and rewatch it I start bawling my eyes out. Don't look at me like that, it's normal! Grey's is notorious for disastrous outcomes. It's insane how many main characters actually survive.

Several hours and many slices of pizza later, I got bored. Stretching my legs out, I opened up youtube. I don't usually go on youtube. It's too much craziness, why do people outright support creators who film and laugh at dead bodies? That, I'll never know.

Clicking on the trending page, I noticed an attractive guy with black hair and black glasses. Who is this dude and why is he playing a game about robots? I clicked on the video and my TV blared with a loud. "Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier, and today we are playing another edition of Five Nights of Freddy's!" Damn, his voice is nice. He could low-key be a radio host, it's a type of voice that draws you in, and it's hard to escape out.

I spent the rest of the night watching him, Markiplier is a lot funnier than you think he'd be. I don't like I've laughed that hard in months, to be honest. I eventually fell asleep watching him.

I woke up an hour later to knocking on the door, that must be mom and dad. Groaning, I got off the couch and paused whatever video was playing. I squinted through blurry vision and I see that it's a collab with Jacksepticeye, Bob, and wade playing UNO. When I walked toward the front door, the blue and red lights caught me off guard. A deep, gut feeling told me that whatever happened, will change my entire life forever. I wanted to run in the other direction, towards my comfy room upstairs and hope this is just a dream. A sharp pain came from my arm, I was pinching myself to try and wake up. It didn't work.

When I got the courage to open the door, I was met with three police officers. "H-Hi, can I help you?" My mouth felt dry, I need water.

"Are you Karli Gaines? We need to talk to you, it's about your parents." A female officer softly asked me. I opened my mouth to speak, but no words came out, so instead, I just nodded. "Can we come in? You may need to sit down for this." Swallowing my saliva, I finally regained my voice. "Yeah, is everything okay? What happened?" I hastily told the officers as I opened the door wider for them to enter. We all sat at the living room couch. "Ms. Gaines, your parents were turning off an exit ramp on highway I-95 when a semi that was speeding at 80 mph hit your parent's car. They are both at the hospital, but the doctors aren't sure they'll wake up."

Numbness. That's all I felt in my body. In my sophomore year of high school, we had a real lockdown because the police were trying to find someone. At the time, I thought there was an active shooter on campus because no one would tell us anything. Even though it wasn't, ever since then, whenever I have anxiety attacks, my body starts shaking and trembling. Even if I wasn't cold. I think it's a defense mechanism, I'm not really sure but that's what's happening. I spaced out. I couldn't think.

"Karli? Are you okay?" One of the other officers asked - it came from a male this time.

"Shut up John, she's having an anxiety attack. I've seen this in many other young adults as well. Get her some water, please." I looked up at this officer, her voice is extremely calming. She sent me a reassuring look as her co-worker handed her a bottle of water. She opened it and handed it to me. I drank a third of it, and I calmed down a lot more.

"I-I've watched enough of Grey's Anatomy to know the term 'might not wake up' means brain death. It's hard to come back after that." I told her, my eyes were glossy. "Can you take me to see her?" They all nodded.

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