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"Congratulations! It's a boy!" The midwife announced, placing the new born on Anne's chest.

She looked down at her baby and smiled. "Hello. I'm your Mummy." She said as she touched his cheek.

"We just need to check him over quickly." He was taken away and placed on a table. The midwife weighed him and did the usual new born tests, writing in his notes.

Anne laid on the bed, exhausted and alone. The baby's father wasn't there. She hadn't seen him for months.....

She met him in the park on a Friday afternoon. She had been crying as it was the anniversary of her parents deaths.

They died in a car crash four years ago. She was devastated. There was no other family. No siblings. No aunts or uncles or cousins. She was all alone.

He asked if she was alright, and when she said no with tears down her cheeks, he sat down and they talked.

That's when she felt the first feelings of love.

They went on dates, dinner in a nice restaurant, a movie, or just a walk by the river. She fell hard.

He would buy her nice jewellery and clothes, take her away for the weekend.

Anne worked as a secretary in an office in the city. She loved her job and the people she worked with. They all loved her too. She was fairly outgoing and always happy, until she met...him.

Her colleagues would ask if she was alright. She always smiled and said that everything was amazing.

It was shocking how quickly he changed. From the loving, caring boyfriend to the monster he became.

That's what the drink and drugs did to him. He became abusive when she didn't do something, or did something he didn't want her to.

He would hit her if she didn't speak loud enough. Or push her if she walked too slowly. It was bullying, but Anne said nothing about it to him or anyone else. She was scared at what he would do.

He raped her.

When she found out she was pregnant, he told her to abort it. He had no interest in being a Dad. In fact, he hated kids.

"Why the fuck did you get pregnant, you stupid bitch!? Get rid of it or I'll do it myself!" He shouted at her. She held her stomach protectively.

He dragged her to an abortion clinic, against her will. It was only when she broke down in the treatment room, that she told the nurse everything.

She didn't have the abortion, and he was told to leave, kicking up a fuss as he went.

That was the last time she would see him.

She was scared. They didn't live together, thank God.  She went back home, and locked herself away. Hiding herself from the world.

Her work mates were worried. She just disappeared. They tried calling and turned up at her doorstep. But she was too scared to answer them, fearing that he would barge in on her and kill her and her unborn baby. So she stayed hidden.

She would get her groceries delivered, not being brave enough to go out by herself.
She ended up losing her job, not surprisingly. 

But she had saved her money in a bank account she kept secret from him. That was her business and none of his.

She hated not working. She had enjoyed it. She really missed her friends there. If only she would answer their calls.

She was thankful she still had a roof over her head though.

As her pregnancy progressed, she had scans and was told she was having a boy. She was over the moon.

She bought a few outfits of various colours.

She took care of herself.

When she went into labour on February 1st, she got on the bus to the hospital and checked herself in.

The midwives were happy with her progress, and labour went well.

The baby was born with no complications.

"Here we go. One healthy little baby boy. Have you got a name for him?" The midwife asked.

Anne smiled down at the gorgeous bundle in her arms, tired, but happy. "Yes. Harry Edward."

"Beautiful name."

Anne nodded. She looked at her son with so much love in her eyes. He was the most beautiful thing she has ever seen.


Hi...new book. Yippee!

Quick first chapter, just to get going. Chapters will be around 1,000 words.

Hope you like it. Opinions are welcome and I always try to reply.

All the love 💖💖💖

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