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May, 7th. It's been two weeks since Taehyung and Jeongguk have been officially together and they've spent as much time together as possible.

Taehyung's sudden absence doesn't go unnoticed by Seokjin and the older shows up at his apartment.

"What are you doing here?" Taehyung asks.

    "Can't I come in?" He asks, walking past Taehyung. "I haven't seen you in weeks."

    "What do you need, hyung?" Taehyung asks, checking the time on his phone. He was expecting Jeongguk soon.

    "What's with you, Taehyung? You disappear for two weeks and when I come to check on you, you act like I'm imposing?" Seokjin asks, crossing his arms. "You haven't called your mother and the only reason you called my father was for money."

Taehyung hesitates, he did forget to check in with his mother. "I've been busy."

    "Doing what? You've been skipping class too," The older points out.

    "How'd you~"

    "Are you on drugs?" Seokjin asks, stepping closer. "Are you?"

    "No. Of course not," Taehyung says quickly. "I needed the money to get some things but it's not drug related. And I forgot to call my mom, but I will."

    "Are you seeing someone?" Seokjin asks, narrowing his eyes in accusation.

    "What? No. No I'm not," He stammers. "It's not that, why would you assume~"

    "You're a terrible fucking liar." The older laughs. "Who are they? She? He? Other?"

    "I already told you I don't like talking to you about it," Taehyung says, rolling his eyes and walking past his step brother.

    "So there is someone?" Seokjin asks, following him into the living.

    "Yes. But~"

    "Oh my gosh, Taehyung!"

    "No, hyung. You seriously can't tell anyone. Like, not one person," Taehyung urges. "No one can know."

    "Why?" Seokjin asks, his smile fading. "Is he, like, an old ass man or something?"

    "Wha~ No. He's not ready to leave his other relationship."

    "Taehyung. Are you telling me you're home wrecking?"

    "No, Seokjin. He's unhappy in his relationship and he's trying to work out how to leave the guy."

    "What's his name?" Seokjin asks.

    "I can't say," Taehyung says. "I'm telling you this because I trust you. So please don't tell anyone."

    "Are you sure he isn't playing with you, Taehyung?" The older asks.

    "He wouldn't do something like that," Taehyung says. "His boyfriend is really a bad guy."

    "I won't tell anyone. But I do want to meet him," Seokjin says. "As long as I get to meet him I'll keep your secret."

    "Okay. I'll work something out." The younger says. "Thank you, hyung."

    "Whatever. Call your mother, would you?" He gripes. "I'm leaving. Tell your boyfriend I said hello."

    "Bye," Taehyung says sitting down and getting on his phone. "Show yourself out."

    "Rude." Seokjin points out as he walks out of the apartment.

Ggukie: coming up!!

Taehyung smiles at the message before replying with a quick 'okay.'

The front door opens a few minutes later.

    "Tae?" Jeongguk's voice calls.

    "I'm here," Taehyung answers, standing and meeting him. "Hey."

    "...hey," The younger says, his smile fading as he looks Taehyung over.

    "I'm glad you came when you did," The older says, starting to walk to the living room.

    "What are you wearing, Taehyung?" Jungkook asks, crossing his arms.

Taehyung looks down at his clothes. "I didn't go out today so I just~"

    "So you just what? Chose to look like a slob?" He asks, anger settling in his tone. "You look horrible."

    "Jeongguk, I didn't leave my apartment at all today," Taehyung says. "Are you upset?"

    "You said you wanted to be perfect, that's what you said you wanted," Jeongguk says. "Your clothes aren't presentable, your hair is greasy, and your face is bare."

    "You're angry." He's never heard this tone from Jeongguk before.

    "Yeah, Taehyung, I am. I took the time out of my day to try to help you and you've completely disregarded everything I've told you to do," He snaps. "Have you even started restricting?"

    "I've tried following the regimen~"

    "Trying isn't good enough. You'll never be able to get on my level if you baby yourself," Jeongguk says. "You think Jimin just let me get my shit together on my own time? He didn't."

    "You aren't Jimin. And I'm not you." Taehyung crosses his arms, mirroring his stance.

    "You're right," Jeongguk says, turning to leave. "I'm wasting my fucking time."

    "You're leaving?" Taehyung asks.

    "I can't even look at you right now," He says, continuing to the door.

"Gguk, please," Taehyung says quickly. "I'm sorry. I-I'll go get dressed~"

    "That's not the fucking point." Jeongguk faces him again. "Being perfect isn't a "sometime" thing, Taehyung. You're either perfect all the time or not perfect at all."

    "I-I'm sorry. Okay? Please don't leave." Taehyung says, grabbing his arm. "I'll fix it. I'll fix it, it's fine."

Jeongguk sighs, pulling his arm away. "I'm only angry because I want to help you. I want to give you what you want, Taehyung. And I can't if you don't listen to me."

    "I know. I'm sorry," Taehyung says, wrapping his arms around Jeongguk's neck. "Please don't leave."

The younger hugs him back. "You have to listen to me in order for this to work, Taehyung. Okay?"

    "Okay." The older nods, pulling away from the hug. "I'll go get dressed~"

    "Forget about it. Let's just watch a movie or something." Jeongguk says taking the older's hand and leading him towards the living room.

    "I'll do better. I promise."

    "You're your only limit."

They end up watching a low budget rom-com, complaining the entire way through.

Even though Taehyung is laughing and smiling and joking around with Jeongguk he can't stop thinking about how he got so upset with him earlier.

He knew Jeongguk was committed to this process and he thought he had time to get used to this new way of life but he could see now that he didn't.

He needed to do better, to be better.

At the rate he's going, he'd never be perfect.

And he had to be.

He had to be perfect.


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