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"Fight! Fight! Fight!" A crowd of students shouted to the two boys fighting in the middle.

The two boys that stood in the middle and stared at each other, one with mint green hair and bloody lips and the other with dark black hair and sweat dripping off his strands of hair.

While they stilled stared at each other Young-jae ran towards a tree far off into the other side of the school, looking for the only person that can stop this fight.

"I'm not doing anything wrong, that's something you don't understand!" The green mint haired boy shouted, smirking at the end.

"Yoongi, there's nothing good about what you do." The other boy yelled out.

*Meanwhile at the other side of the school.*

"I liked the movie! It was just Min J-"

"JUNG HOSEOK! YOONGI IS FIGHTING AGAIN WITH JOON-HO!" Young-Jae yelled as he stopped and took deep breathes.

"Where are the teachers when you need them?" Hoseok said as he grabbed his backpack and ran towards the direction it always is, across the school at the patio.

When he finally got there he saw Joon-Ho cracking his knuckles, smirking full of blood. Hoseok dropped his backpack and ran into the fight. Joon-Ho launched his fist towards Yoongi. Hoseok grabbed a rock and held it out so Joon-Ho would hit it. He did, his knuckles bled and he cried out for help.


Hoseok dragged away Yoongi before Joon-Ho could finish. They entered the boys bathroom, and Hoseok started lecturing Yoongi.

"Why were you fighting Joon-Ho again? He's not worth it, your blood is not worth anything! You are going to get seriously hurt one of these days, and I won't be able to do anything about that! You will get in big trouble if you don't take these things seriously, you just can't keep doing t-" Hoseok went on and on.

But Yoongi wasn't paying attention. He just wondered into Hoseok's eyes, that shined and glimmered. His eyes suddenly fell onto his lips. His smooth lips, that moved letting out every word so unconsciously seductive. Then Yoongi thought I'm not worth this beautiful angel. I'm not worth his care.

"YAH! Min Yoongi, are you even listening!?" Hoseok shouted a bit.

Yoongi just simply nodded. Then Hoseok grabbed bandaids, a wet towel, and a patch.

"Why did you guys even fight in the first place?" Hoseok asked Yoongi.

"Joon-Ho is a bully, he was being disrespectful to Min and her friends. He was being a fucking pervert again and he was bothering Xiouli! I'm not going to let him go around bullying and being a jerk to girls." Yoongi answered, he was kind of arguing.

"At least you were the good one in that fight, but still, violence is not the solution to everything!" Hoseok argued back.

"Its the only language he understands!" Yoongi crossed his arms and waited for Hoseok to do something else.

Instead he took the wet towel towards Yoongi's bloody lips and Yoongi looked away.

"If you want to get your wounds cleaned up then you're gonna have to look at me." Hoseok said as he grabbed Yoongi's chin.

Yoongi was flustered but he tried to hide it. Hoseok giggled as he saw Yoongi smile a little bit. Then he finally looked at his lips, he put the towel on his bottom lip and pressed it slowly, calmly, and nicely on him. Yoongi moaned a little not only because of the pain but because Hoseok touched his lips as if he were trying to tease him.

"I'm not gonna do anything to you!" Hoseok assured, as Yoongi turned his face away once more.

Is it bad that I want to do something to him? Yoongi thought.

"This is impossible, you know what I'll put your bandaids on you clean your own lips see how that feels, huh!" Hoseok spoke as he stood up.

Yoongi obeyed. He cleaned his lips, regretting having looked away. Once they were done Hoseok put his backpack on and walked towards the door.

"You.... you didn't have to do that you know?" Yoongi whispered, trying not to be heard by Hoseok.

"Its the least I can do for you." Hoseok answered and smiled.

Yoongi was shocked he even heard his whispers, but was glad he wouldn't stop. They headed out and talked a little for the rest of the way.

Hoseok and Yoongi have a relationship that is much as a roller coaster. One day they will be flirting with each other, both caring for each other and the next day their hating every single breath the other takes. They've known each other for so long that they practically know everything about each other too. Yoongi started to realize he was falling for Hoseok, but he never wanted to admit it. Hoseok just simply cared for him and never really knew how he felt.

"Xiouli, Yoongi is not gonna come back. He doesn't seem interested in you!" Min raised her arms trying to convince her friend Yoongi isn't right for her.

"But he keeps coming to save me. He's always there when I need help." Xiouli didn't want to believe Min.

Xiouli and Min have been best friends since kindergarten. They both care for each other and help each other try to go on the right path, but they always argue about the right decisions. They've known Yoongi and Hoseok since 2nd grade and they've been kind of friends since then. They hang out some times but they really don't get along too well.

"Wouldn't you think that if he really did care sooo much for you he would have told you before?" Min stuck with her thoughts and tried her hardest convincing Xiouli.

"Min, I know Yoongi, he doesn't do that." Xiouli couldn't come up with a better excuse to try to get out of that argument.

"I also know Yoongi, and he doesn't seem to be the right one. I just don't want you getting hurt!" Min cried out.

"Hey girls, watcha talking about?" Hoseok walked towards them with Yoongi by his side.

Xiouli and Yoongi both looked at each other in the eyes. Xiouli blushed and looked away embarrassed while Yoongi looked confused.

"Xiouli's life decisions." Min scoffed.

They all stood quiet there. Suddenly they all thought about the same thing and giggled.

And this is why we even get along. We compliment each other like the ying and yang. What would I do without these guys!

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