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It had been a month since Hoseok had said his first "I love you" to Yoongi. They both were inactive, spending less time with each other. Exams were coming up. Their own personal goals were getting in the way. Everything was just unorganized and frustrating. All they ever did in one month was go out to school, go out to eat, and go back into their rooms. Well for Hoseok he'd go out to the dance studio. Hoseok and Yoongi would greet each other on Monday's and not talk the rest of the week, it wasn't because they were hating each other, but because they were busy. Joon-Ho, he was defiantly still thinking about that time he entered the room. They all just simply stopped talking. Maybe because of Joon-Ho, maybe because they were busy, and maybe because they didn't know what to say.

It had been a month since Min and Xiouli kissed. They had kind of forgotten the moment. That's because they were both drunk, and memory isn't their thing. They'd talk a little, but everything they said was nonsense. They really couldn't make any sentences or even speak words anymore. Thinking about what had happened, and how Hoseok's and Yoongi's drama had passed on to them. The same thing. They had in their heads all day 'am I in a movie. One of those cringey ones.'

The group broke apart too. They didn't hang out, which they hadn't been before anything had happened. They didn't talk, they didn't even look at each other. The night that everyone was free for once their life's became full of problems. That night made everyone see something else into each other. The words that were used that night, all the feelings and emotions, everything made everyone feel so different. They slowly started to drift apart, enough to maybe even say "I don't like you anymore."

She stopped coming to school. She didn't see any reason to be there, but her brother. All she ever did now seemed exaggerated for her. That made Joon-Ho see how much she could actually change. Joon-Ho has actually seen Hannah. Not so long ago. They met, they talked to each other and solved things. Young-Jae had noticed this and got a bit mad. His sister has been isolating herself, not wanting to see anyone. Joon-Ho actually felt bad, because he knew it was partly his fault.

Young-Jae then decided to call Hannah to meet at his dorm.

"You called me?" Hannah asked as she walked into the dorm.

Young-Jae only smiled.

"You've been down. I don't want you to be alone." Young-Jae finally answered.

"Hmm... you shouldn't have." Hannah complained to him.

"Well I did. Plus now I can't spend time with my sister? Why?" Young-Jae chuckled.

Hannah rolled her eyes to his question. He was obviously being sarcastic. Hannah still liked being with someone tho. Even if it was her own brother.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" Young-Jae finally dared to ask.

"Go on." Hannah looked up at him.

"Do you miss Joon-Ho?" His eyes closed expecting the worst.

"I don't know..." Hannah sighed.

The both staid silent and sat. Young-Jae's face suddenly lit up, his stomach growled and he blushed a little.

"Why don't we get something to eat?" He smiled widely.

Hannah nodded and hurried to the door to put on her shoes.

"We better get something good from outside... you suck at cooking!" Hannah reminded her brother mockingly.

"But you are too lazy to cook so you always tell me to." Young-Jae smirked.

"Well it's half and half then." Hannah tolled her eyes.

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