Not Just Friends

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Hoseok sat there as he looked at the puzzled Yoongi. No one really knew what they were. They had a sea of options, but non of them were fit in perfectly. They could have said friends with benefits, but that makes it sound different. Even though they both know that's the closest thing to what they are.

"I- I'm really not sure, Hobi." Yoongi looked down disappointed that not even he could figure it out.

"Well.... why don't we change that? All I know is that ever since the day you kissed me I've definetly been happier. Everything has shown a side of me I didn't know, and I like it. I like being with you, i like looking at you almost everyday and fall in love again with you because... right now you're my everything, and you will be for as long as it can last... Yoongi I want to be more then just friends, I want t-" his long and messy speech got cut off.

Yoongi stood up and leaned above everything on the table to kiss him. Hoseok closed his eyes to the sudden feeling of his and Yoongi's lips together. They hadn't realized the waitress and a few people around them were watching, as Hoseok was talking a bit too loud. Everyone clapped to the scene, happy for the couple. They didn't mind tho, they liked seeing that society accepted them. When they finally pulled away, they took slow deep breaths.

"You're so cringey..." Yoongi smiled a bit.

"But again, you love it... right?" Hoseok got a bit worried that he actually didn't.

"Why wouldn't I?" Yoongi said slowly sitting down again.

Everyone had now gone back to their own bussiness. Still happy to see them together. Hoseok looked down and praised himself for the success.

"Let's go then." Hoseok said as he looked up at the waitress who was still standing there.

She wasn't listening to their conversation, as she was taking care of the plates, making noise with them.

"Receipt?" Hoseok finally broke their silence.

"Right away!" The waitress smiled and took the plates.

She hurried to come back with a black leather folded pocket folder. It had the receipt inside. She placed it on the edge of the table and left again. They both payed their own foods and left. Again holding hands, but this time as something else then just friends.

"Anywhere you want to go?" Hoseok asked as they turned a street.

"Not really. Maybe just the park?" Yoongi suggested.

"Let's go there then." They again turned back walking to the park.

Their fingers intertwined and they came closer to each other. Finally they knew that their embrace to one another would last longer.

"Look come." Yoongi pulled him to another side of the park he hadn't been to.

"Where are we-" Hoseok started.

"This is where I got the maid outfit from." Yoongi spoke as a bright red flushed on his cheeks.

Hoseok proceeded to enter the store. Curious to know what else there was. He also hadn't seen the store before, thinking this side of the park didn't really exists.

"You're so innocent." Hoseok smirked as he looked at all the costumes.

"Shut up, you know I'm not." Yoongi argued for no reason.

It was amazing to Hoseok how Yoongi likes being everything but innocent. They let go of each other's hands and started looking around again.

"Yoongi?" A voice called from behind them.

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