Chapter Twelve: Champion/Quidditch

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Hermione's POV

I was sitting at the Slytherin table with Ginny when Dumbledore spoke about the tournament. He tapped his wand on the goblet and the flame glowed.

"The champion for Beauxbatons Academy is... Fleur Delacour!"

I clapped for Fleur.

"For the Durmstrang Institute the champion... Viktor Krum!"

Everyone on our table but Ginny and I scream.

"Now for the Hogwarts champion... Cedric Diggory!"

The Hufflepuff table cheered and I clapped too.

Once all three of the champions was gone there was a crack and the fire spit out another name. Dumbledore looked furious, "Hermione Riddle?"

I looked up with wide eyes. Wait that can't be I'm only 15!


Everyone was looking around as I stood up. I slowly walked up the front to Dumbledore a fire raged behind his eyes.


After a few minutes of standing down there Dumbledore came running down and grabbed me by the sleeveless sweater, "you put your name in the goblet didn't you! You got one of the older kids to do it so you could spread your father's name!"

I flinched back feeling great fear take over me, "Albus the poor girl is innocent let her go." Professor McGonagall put her hand on the angry man's shoulder, "Miss. Riddle did you put your name in that goblet?"

I shook my head, "no I don't like this tournament why would I sign up for it."

I turned to the Ministry official Barty Crouch Sr. and he sighs, "once the champions are selected they are bound by a contract. The girl has to compete," I flinched and suddenly felt sick.

"But I didn't put my name in the goblet," I told him and he shook his head. "I'm sorry Miss. Riddle but you are in a contract you must compete."


It was the next day at Quidditch try out and I was here supporting Ginny.

I watched as my best friend easily got seeker which means she will be playing against Harry Potter the Gryffindor seeker next game.

Fleur came and sat next to me, "'Ermione?" I turned to my fellow champion in this death race. "Yes Fleur?" She turned to me, "I'm sorry you are being forced into this tournament."

I smiled up at the French woman, "it's okay Fleur but I'm guessing that's not why you are here." The French witch shook her head, "my mate is trying out." My head snapped towards her, "Mate?"

"Yes Chris Prince she iz the Slytherin beater," I looked at the girl Fleur had her eyes on. "Good choice she's actually really nice," I told my new friend.

"I have yet to talk to her but I'm slowly working up the courage," I smiled and pat Fleur on the back. "To bad you can't just sent her your house ring cause that's what Bella did with me and I don't even think it was her that sent it."

I rambled on and she turned to me, "who is this Bella you talk of?" I showed her my left hand, "she is the woman trying to court me while she is in Azkaban."

Fleur burst out laughing, "you are betrothed to a criminal?" She just kept laughing, "well you certainly live up to your family's darkness."

I smiled at the laughing French woman, "yeah I didn't have a choice in the matter but it does feel... right I don't know." Fleur smiled at me, "do not feel ashamed everyone has a mate you'll know when you've found yours."

I nod, "thanks Fleur."

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