Chapter Thirty Seven: Final Fight

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Hermione's POV

After Harry and I got back Malfoy and his friends were on the floor knocked out.

"Ginny!" I ran over to my sister and hugged her. "Where's Umbridge?" Ronald asked and Harry paled, "she is with the centaurs."

"We need to go Sirius needs our help," Harry told Ronald franticly.

"Let's go then mate," Ronald told Harry then they both jumped in the green fire. "We need to go after them or they will get themselves killed," Neville said and jumped in the fire with Luna.

"Ginny I have a feeling we should go," I told her and she nod. "It's up to you sis," I grabbed her hand and we jumped threw.

"Wait Mione does your feeling feel like a... a pull?" Ginny turned to me and I nod, "Bella's here." I whispered to her and then I heard the love of my life's laugh.


I smiled and then Ginny was pulled out of my arms. I turned to see that it was only Delphine.

"Itty bitty Potter," Bella looked at Harry.

"Bellatrix Lestrange," Neville said and raised his wand.

"You cursed my parents!" He threw the disarming spell at the witch who just flicked her wand like it was nothing. "I did not curse your parents boy. I was there to save them. Frank and Alice Longbottom were two of Voldemort's best spies. He had them everywhere so many that the only people left who weren't spies are Moody, Lupin, the Potters and a few others."

Every in Harry's group had wide eyes except for Luna.

Neville threw a spell at Bella but it hit a shelf instead and they all started to fall down breaking the prophesies.

Delphine grabbed Ginny and I and took us into a dark room where I see mum, dad, Fleur, Chris and the other death eaters spies included.

"Tonight is the night your father defeats the order," mum explained why they were here. I nod and Harry came into the room with his group. "Ginny! Get back here you are a Weasley! You are supposed to be loyal to me I am your brother!"

Ginny growled, "Hermione is more of a sibling then you ever were all it took is me being a Slytherin and you cut me off!" Ginny threw a curse at the youngest Weasley male.

Soon the order came and a fight broke out. We were evenly matched in the beginning but the dark started to win.

Sirius showed up and started to help Harry when suddenly a shot of light hit him and pushed him into the archway that was whispering. I turned to see the light came from Dumbledore.

Dumbledore started to fight Chris with a powerful killing curse.

As his shot hit the girl she fell to the ground dead.

All I heard was Fleur screaming out and she attacked Dumbledore holding her own for a few minutes. I ran over but it was too late. The killing curse hit the woman and I screamed as she fell next to Chris. Dead. Sirius was dead. Chris was dead. Fleur was dead.

I saw red and aimed my wand for the old wizard, "AVADA KEDAVRA!" The green light exited my wand and hit the old wizard.

Everyone stopped fighting as the war was now over the Harry and his group were tied up and the order members are either dead or tied up.

I collapsed and held Fleur's dead body.

"I'm so sorry Fleur I should've protected you more," I cried into the older girl's cold body.

"I'm sorry my princess," mum rubbed my back.

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