Hermione's POV
"Hey Mione," Ginny ran up to me as we enter the room of requirements. "Hey Gin are you ready to try and practise the blasting curse?" I asked but before we could get into it we were met at wand point, "what are you doing in here Slytherins!"
The boy growled at us, "what do you mean what are we doing in here what are you doing in here!" Ginny started to turn red, "I'm apart of Dumbledore's Army and you are not welcome in this room."
Fred and Gorge came rushing over, "relax Seamus"
"that's our sister"
"she may be Slytherin"
"but she's still a Weasley."
"Fred Gorge what are you doing here this is our place to practice magic," Ginny told her brothers. "Harry told us to come here," I stormed over to where I saw the boy who lived and grabbed him by the shirt.
"This was mine and Ginny's spot first move on before I curse your ass," I growled at the terrified boy.
"Wait I didn't know it was already taken," Harry waved his hands in the air. "Why don't we just share the space," Neville came over. "Because she is the ENEMY!" Ronald Ginny's older brother spat, "she's Tom Riddle's daughter."
Everyone around us stared and started to whisper.
"Yeah that's right and Ginny and I have to learn how to protect ourselves before Dumbledore comes knocking at our door," I growled and Ginny came up behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist.
"Let him go Dumbledore will attack now if we hurt his golden boy," Ginny whispered in my ear and I sighed and pushed the boy away.
"Potter this is our spot if you aren't going to leave then keep it quite and don't get us into any trouble. Also leave our side of the room alone," Ginny told them then dragged me over to the other side of the room.
Ginny got her wand out and I got mine out, "okay so Bella taught me how this one works but we never tried it... Confringo!" I cast and fire came out from the end of my wand and exploded the dummy I was aiming at, "wow that went a lot better than I thought." Ginny smiled, "that was cool Mione how do you do it?"
I showed her and then she tried it failing the first 2 times but third times the charm. "I'm doing it again until I get it right," Ginny said then cast exploding the dummy.
"YAY Ginny you did it," I jumped on Ginny and hugged the red head girl.
"Thanks Mione," she told me and I smiled.
"Delphine would be impressed," I told her and she blushed. "Bella would be proud of you too Mione you only had to try once. I think we should call it a night," I told her and she nod.
"Hey Ginny. Riddle." We both turned to Ronald, "what do you want Ronald?" I asked and he smirked, "bet I can take you on Riddle." I rolled my eyes, "you can't Ronald I'm much to strong for you."
His face turned red, "you're just chicken cause I could kick your ass."
"Fine then but don't say I didn't warn you," I got out my wand ready for a duel.
He bowed and so did I and then we pointed our wands at each other. I glared at that smirk on his face, "Ex-" he started casting but I was quicker, "Densaugeo!" I cast and Ron fell back his teeth started to grow, "what the hell Riddle!" Dean yelled and Ginny just grabbed my arm, "she did warn he we all heard that so what happens is not her fault."
We left to go back to our dorm room.

The Dark Princess (Bellamione)
FanfictionThe dark lord had a child with his wife but on the night he died the child was taking away. The child's memories where obliviated and her mother killed. She was taken to a home to be raise by muggles. This is the story of The Dark Princess.