Chapter Thirty Four: Christmas Part One

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Bellatrix's POV

I was just coming back from a mission with Andy and Baby Tonks when I heard a scream, "THAT WOMAN DID WHAT TO MY BABY!"


"I don't think I've ever heard her shout," Baby Tonks said and I turned to Nymphadora. "I have once and it is never a good sign," I walked inside to see Esme fussing over a girl.

"Oh Bella thank god you're here save me," I heard my mate beg me.

"Bellatrix you need to call Tom he needs to see this," Esme told me and I pulled up my sleeve and pressed my wand to my forearm.

"What's going on anyway?" Andy asked and Esme finally moved out the way so I could see my mate.

"Umbridge she hurt my baby. It's been a week and they haven't healed," I walked up to my mate and she hide her hand. "No Bella... I'm fine I promise." I held out my hand, "show me." I told her not backing down and she lightly placed her hand in mine.

I saw writing on her hand, "what happened to your hand my princess?" I kissed it then looked into the chocolate brown eyes that kept me sane in Azkaban.

"Umbridge! That pathetic witch think she can hurt my family! Tom will have her head!" Esme paced and I sighed, "I agree we need to kill her but we need to make our next move very carefully."

"SHE HURT MY BABY!" Esme yelled and right at that moment my lord entered, "what's going on here?" He asked and Hermione hid behind me, "Tom you need to kill Umbridge!" Esme yelled and my lord's eyes looked to me, "why is my daughter hiding from me behind you Bellatrix?"

"Because you can't just attack a witch for hurting me as much as she deserves it," my mate wrapped her arms around my waist.

"I need to handle it on my own," I turned around in her arms then kissed her head. "If I see her you know I'm going to Curcio her right my princess," she nod. "Yeah but no rash decisions we need to keep low until the time is right."

"Andy can you please heal her as best as you can?" I asked my sister and she nod, "of course Bella." I picked my mate up bridle style and walked up to my room with Andy following behind us.

"I've missed you Bella," she cuddled into my neck and I smiled at her. "I've missed you too my Princess," I kissed her head.

Soon I put her down on my bed then turned to my older younger sister, "let me see Hermione." My mate put her hand in my sister's, "oh yes blood quill I've seen a few cases of this."

She started to put Murtlap Essence on her hand, "how many times did you write it? It should have gone away in a few days and left the skin a bit redder but it's almost like it's scaring."

"Maybe she modified the quill I mean she really hated me," My princess told us and we looked to each other.

"She could've done a ten fold spell to do it so it might scar or it could take twice as long to heal," I told her and she nod. "Okay and thanks Andy."

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