Chapter Twenty Seven: Ball Part Two

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Hermione's POV

I looked at myself in the mirror. I had a short red dress on with a bow on my waist.

Ginny smiled already having her blue dress on, "you look amazing Mione." I blushed and smiled, "back at you sis."

Ginny held out her arm, "your ball awaits you Dark Princess." Ginny and I laughed at the name people called me.

Ginny and I walked downstairs outside the ball room then Delphine walked out to greet us.

"Hey guys are you ready?" The woman was in a black dress, "you guys know you are going to stick out. Everyone usually wears back to these sort of things," Delphine said and I blushed. "Meh we look amazing that is all that matters," Ginny said.

"That you do my fire," Delphine looked Ginny up and down. "Perfection," I rolled my eyes.

"Oh so you're allowed Delphine to come onto you but when Bella does it to me you have a problem," I turned to my best friend. "She's not shoving her tongue down my throat. Plus if I hadn't 've stopped you I would have been an aunty way sooner then planned."

I was deep red and Delphine was smirking.

"I can shove my tongue down your throat if you want my fire," Delphine smirked and I just walked inside looking for Bella.

"Wow you look amazing my sister is so lucky," I heard from behind me and turned around to see Andy. "Andy it's so good to see you again," I wrapped my arms around the older woman.

"Happy Birthday Hermione," she pulled back and kissed my head. "Thanks Andy," I smiled then arms wrapped around my waist. "I see you found my sister," Bella whispered into my ear making me shiver.

"You look gorgeous my Princess," Narcissa said while coming over.

"Are you all going to gang up on me now," I blushed and Bella nibbled my ear. "Not yet maybe at Christmas time," my eyes widen as I look back at her.

Before I could speak my father tapped his wine glass, "welcome everyone to my daughter's 16th birthday. On this day 16 years ago I meet my demise followed soon by my wife. But now 16 years later my daughter helped raise us from the dead. So tonight we celebrate not just for her birth but also the woman she has become. I love you my baby girl."

Everyone raised their glasses, "to Hermione." My father said and everyone joined, "to Hermione!"

I smiled and mouthed a thank you to my father.

"So Hermione it's only a year now until you are legal," Narcissa smirked at me. "And?" I asked confused.

"When a witch turns 17 they get married if they are already chosen," Narcissa grabbed my hand and held up my ring finger.

"Well then we know what is happening next year for my birthday," I told them and Bella purred into my ear. "Then on the wedding night I will take you and give you my seed so you can carry my children. I created the spell and everything," Bella purred and I blushed hard.

"Sounds like heaven," I whispered.

"Good by for now may I have this dance," Bella turned me around and held out her hand.

I listened and heard the song playing, "kiss from a rose." I giggled and took Bella's hand, "very well Miss. Black let us dance."

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