Hermione's POV
I was in DADA with the Gryffindors but I wasn't paying much attention because I already finished the book she handed out to us, "Miss. Riddle why are you not reading!" I heard the professor squawk and I groaned, "I finished the book the night you handed it to us professor."
"Read it again," she growled. "I've read it 6 times," I told her and she glared at me.
"With a look like that professor you could be best friend's with Dumbledore he likes to glare at me too."
Her face went purple, "DETENTION MISS. RIDDLE!"
I just got to detention and saw Umbridge there with a glare on her face, "come in Miss. Riddle." I walked into the pink office and sat down at the desk, "you'll be doing lines today Miss. Riddle." I sighed and started to get my quill but she spoke up, "no Miss. Riddle you will be using one of mine."
I sat up and looked at the quill then picked it up, "good you must right 'I must not be a know it all and interrupt class' those words exactly Miss. Riddle."
I started to write but my hand started to burn and itch.
I looked at my hand to see it being carved up by my writing, "how many do you want me to do Professor." I spat and she grinned, "20 lines should be fine Miss. Riddle."
I continued writing making my hand burn almost bring tears to my eyes.
When I'm done I got up then looked her dead in the eye, "I will be heard of to bed now Professor." I walked out then walked to my dorm.
I tried to hide my hand in my robe but when I got to Ginny's and my dorm I took it off. Thankfully Ginny was asleep cause it was 10 at night. I looked down at my ring, "I want no I need you Bella. I wish you could come here."
I lay down in my bed and cried myself to sleep. My hand still on fire from the writing.
"Hermione wake up your bleeding!" Ginny shook me and I opened my eyes to see my scared sister's eyes, "it's okay Ginny calm down it's fine nothing you need to worry about."
I cupped her cheek with one hand, "I'll be okay."
"What happened?" She asked and I showed her my hand, "I had detention with Umbridge."
She looked down at my head then back up to me with watery blue eyes, "Mione she can't get away with this. You have to tell Tom or Esme or at the very lease Snape."
I kissed her head, "I'll tell Mum when I see her next which will be over Christmas break." Ginny nod, "promise me that you'll try to stay out of detention please Mione."
I nod, "okay Ginny now let's get up and go to breakfast. A growing Ginny needs food," she giggled and got up and we got dressed.

The Dark Princess (Bellamione)
FanfictionThe dark lord had a child with his wife but on the night he died the child was taking away. The child's memories where obliviated and her mother killed. She was taken to a home to be raise by muggles. This is the story of The Dark Princess.