Chapter Twenty Five: Finally meeting Bella

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Hermione's POV

Father just went out to break Bella and a few other death eaters out of Azkaban. While that was happening I was pacing in the living room while both mother and Ginny were smirking at me.

"You know her father was like this on our wedding day," my told Ginny.

"Really? He was nerves to get married?" Ginny looked to my mother confused. "Yes he was shaking in his boots cause my family didn't exactly want me marrying a half blood but when he became Voldemort things changed."

"So Miss. Weasley. Delphine has told me a lot about you while you two did your last week at Hogwarts after the tournament." The red head blushed as bright as her hair, "yeah she's taking me on a date this Saturday."

I snapped my head two my mother and my bloodless sister, "what happens if Bella is hurt? What if he can't break them out? What if she doesn't like me in person I mean we met at Christmas but that was when she didn't have options. Now that she'll be out she will. Oh god what happens if she rejects me will I die like Fleur? Will I just have a big hole of emptiness inside me? Will it-" Ginny stood up and interrupted me.

"Mione relax. She will be fine. Voldemort will break them out. Bellatrix would be crazy not to love you Mione. You are an amazing person with a big heart and there is no one out that better suited for her then you. You are soul mates. Your souls will recognise each other then you will live happily ever after and make me an aunty."

I blushed and hugged my bloodless sister, "thank you Ginny." I let a few tears slip and pulled away, "I love you."

Ginny smiled, "I love you too Mione. But I was not kidding make me an aunt," Ginny winked at me and I blushed redder then her hair.

"What is this about making someone an aunt?" Delphine asked as she walked in the door of the living room. "Hermione and Bellatrix. I want a niece or nephew." Delphine burst out laughing, "knowing Bella she'll defiantly give you a few."

I blushed harder.

"Bella loves kids sadly she couldn't have any all by herself so when she heard the prophecy she literaly cried with happiness. 'Finally a woman to bare me children. That will love me unconditionally.' Her words exactly." My mother told me and I don't think I could get any redder.

"I would love that but first comes the marriage," all our heads turned and there she was standing in the living room doorway.

Long wild black hair.

Deep brown eyes.

Pale vampire like skin.


My Bella.

I was stuck in place waiting for her to just disappear.

"Bella it's nice to see you again glad to see you didn't lose your sanity in Azkaban," my mother smiled and my destined smiled back. "Nice to be back. Can Hermione and I have a moment alone," before I knew it I was alone with Bella.

"Bella? Please tell me you are real," she walked forward and cupped my cheeks. "I am as really as the earth you walk on," she brushed a bit of hair out my face.

Before I could stop myself I wrapped my arms around her neck. "My little princess. You have grown so much," she smiled down at me then I blushed.

"I've been waiting for this day for over a year Bella please," I begged then woman. She smirked and surged forward our lips meeting for my very first kiss.

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