Chapter Six: House

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Hermione's POV

"Gryffindor!" I looked up at the hat scared but excited. The boy with green eyes and black hair jumped off the chair and joined his new house.

"Hermione Granger." I walked up to the chair and sat down. When the hat was on my head I hear a voice in my head but not like the other times.

'Hello Miss. Granger. I see Bravery but also Ambition along with Smarts and Loyalty you are a very rare case Miss. Granger you could be put in any of these houses and succeed. I feel strong bonds with Slytherin I know what to do with you Miss. Granger.'

"SLYTHERIN!" Everyone's eyes snapped to me and a boy got up, "but she is a mudblood we will not except her into our house." A boy with blonde hair yelled and the hat was taken off my head, "I'm sorry Miss. Granger but you have to go take a seat."

I nod and walked over to the table finding an empty seat but was pushed off it soon after I sat by a large boy. "Pureblood's only." I just sat on the floor not willing to see on the table anymore.

"Miss. Granger," I looked up to see a tall dark hair man. "Yes sir?" He looked down at me and got my hand, "move over Abbot." He growled then put me next to the boy, "she is a Slytherin now like it or not so behave."

Everyone on my new house table just looked down at their food as we finished the ceremony.

During dinner I kept getting glared at and heard whispers of 'filthy mudblood'. I don't like my new house they are mean.

Snape's POV

She has to be the one. She's a supposed muggle born and she got into an only pureblood house. Her name is also Hermione. Now just how to test it is the issue.

I must send new to the Malfoy's and the other death eaters that I might have found our missing Princess.

That's it her wand!

I will test her wand. But then how do I get it away from her. I need help. I wish I could just cast a charm on her blood or something. Or hear her talk to a snake.


Hermione's POV

I walked with my house to their dorms and got a room all to myself thank merlin for that.

I started to read all the book to get a head start. So far all the spells I've tried have worked for me. I wish I had more advanced books cause this all seems easy to me.

There was a knock on my door. I opened the door to see my head of house. "Hello Professor Snape what can I do for you?" I asked the man politely.

"I was just checking to see how our only muggle born Slytherin is doing," I smiled. "I got a dorm room all to myself," he nod.

"Yes I thought it would be best for that not many Slytherin's are happy there is a muggle born down here."

I sighed, "yeah they don't seem to like me." He nod again, "yes well I just came here to ask are you sure there is not a wizard or witch in your family?"

I looked at him confused, "no Professor McGonagall said that I was a muggle born no magical blood in my family."

"Can I please inspect your wand?" I looked up at him confused, "my wand?" He nod and I handed him my wand. He did a spell on it then handed it back to me.

"Thank you just thought I would check your wand core," he said and I smiled. "It's a dragon core there are only two of this wand in the world," he nod. "Thank you good night Miss. Granger."

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