Chapter Thirty Six: Caught

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Hermione's POV

Ginny and I were practicing in the room of requirements while Harry is doing his thing.

"So how's it go again Hermione?" I heard Fred ask.

After the Christmas holidays they came over and started to learn with us.

I was showing them some spells that were in the book dad gave me for Christmas.

"So what you want to do is-" the was a rumble.

"Mione?" Ginny looked to me and I pulled her behind me and got my wand out. All the glass of the walls smashed and Potter walked over to a wall.

The wall exploded and there stood Umbridge with Malfoy and his group with a Ravenclaw girl. I growled and grabbed Ginny and made a run for it knowing this will not end well for Potter's army.

I finally stopped running after Ginny and I were in our dorm. "Mione what just happened?" Ginny asked me and I sighed, "Potter got us caught and I don't want you anywhere near Umbridge's quill."

I cupped her cheeks, "you are mine to protect Ginny. Just like Delphine, Chris, Gabrielle and Fleur. You are all under my protection." I pulled her into a hug, "I don't know what I would do if I lost anyone of you. Fleur has become like another sister to me, Chris she's a stubborn one but she has a kind heart, Gabrielle is just like her sister, Delphine is my warrior and you Ginny you are my sister we may not be blood but we are family. You were my only family for 4 years. I love you Ginny."

She had tears running down her face and she pulled me into a hug, "I love you too Mione." I smiled and I held her.


It is 2 weeks until Hogwarts finishes and I will be married. I have a month before it happens so I have to do everything then but thanks to Ginny and I everything is planned.

"Hello Ginny, Hermione," Luna smiled.

"So you are trying to help Potter! Oh Umbridge is going to like this!" Malfoy smirked. He grabbed mine and Ginny's arm then Goyle got Luna and dragged us all to Umbridge's office.

"I caught these two helping Looney," Malfoy smirked.

I saw Harry Potter in a chair with Umbridge standing over him threaten to put the crucio curse on him. He just put on a brave face. The anger was beneath Umbridge's eyes, "maybe I should try it on your friends maybe then you'll start talking."

The woman grabbed Ginny and I fought Malfoy's grip hard.

"Tell her Harry!" I yelled and Umbridge turned to me, "tell me what?" I looked to Ginny then back at the evil woman, "Dumbledore's secret weapon."

She smirked and gave my sister back to Goyle, "I'll show you." I told her and she smirked, "very well you and Potter can show me."

I nod and Malfoy let me go. I turned to him, "when I get home I'm going to punish your mother for your behaviour who knows maybe this time she'll scream my name as she comes on my tongue."

Ginny burst out laughing and Malfoy looked like he was going to murder me.

"I'll be back so Ginny," I told her and she nod.

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