Chapter Twenty Three: Final Task

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Hermione's POV

Right now I was in the middle of a maze. Dumbledore's idea for the final challenge. I mean a maze. Really? Can it be any more boring.

I hear someone yell and I ran to the noise to see Viktor standing over Cedric. "Stupefy!" I cast stunning the Bulgarian champion, "Cedric?" I asked and the boy just looked up at me, "Hermione. Dumbledore. Cursed. Tried. Kill."

He let out his last breath and I shut his eyes, "you were a good man Cedric your father would be so proud of you." I may not have known Cedric but I knew no one would want to kill him and we were in the same uniform so most logically explanation is someone wanted to kill me.

This has Dumbledore's name written all over it he must have cast a spell on Viktor to kill me.

"'Ermione!" Fleur yelled and ran over to me.

"He is dead Fleur," the French witch picked me up. "Zere ess no time to mourn 'Ermione we need to find ze cup and get out of 'ere," she dragged me away from the Hufflepuff.

I shot a red light into the sky so they could find the body. "Dumbledore did it Fleur how could he kill an innocent 17 year old boy," I was in tears. "'Ermione you are 15 and 'e wants to kill you," she told me.

"Zere it is!" Fleur yelled and we ran over to the cup and we looked at each other, "togezer?" I smiled and we grabbed the cup together.

It transported us somewhere.

"Fleur where are we?" I asked the French woman and she just looked around, "it appearz zo be we're in a 'ow to you put eet? Graveyard?" I looked around to see a gross looking man, "my Dark Princess you have arrived." I looked up at him confused.

"Who are you and how did you know who I am?" I asked this rat looking man, "I am wormtail and it was destined that you be here." I looked at him confused, "what are you talking about?"

The man brought out two small thing wrapped in cloaks. "My Dark Princess can I please have some blood?" The rat man asked and I got out Bella's dagger that she gave to me for Christmas. I walked over to the caldron and cut myself dropping a few drops of blood in it.

"Thank you My Princess," he put the two things in cloaks in the caldron.

"'Ermione get away!" Fleur pulled me away as the caldron exploded. When the smoke cleared there was two people standing there.

The man he was 5 foot 11, blood red eyes, black curly hair and pale skin. The woman beside him was 5 foot 6, brown hair, brown eyes and slightly tanner then the man.

I got my wand out and pointed it at them, "who are you?" Both their head snapped to me and the woman let a few tears slip, "Hermione? My baby is that you?" She asked and I slowly nod my head, "yes my name is Hermione now who are you?"

The woman rushed over and before I could react I was in her arms, "oh my baby I thought they killed you." The woman made me feel safe so I relaxed into her arms, "oh my little Hermione."

"You are Hermione's parents aren't you?" Fleur asked and the woman turned to Fleur, "hello my name is Esmerelda Riddle and that is my husband Tom." I looked up into my mother's brown eyes.


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