Ginny's POV
That is all my mind can think of.
Her soft black hair that falls down in waves.
Her Pale green eyes that stare into my soul.
Her pale skin so pale it looked almost unnatural.
I know she is 25 and I am 14 but I just feel a pull to her like the universe is trying to tell me something.
"Hey Ginny would you come to the Yule ball with me?" I looked up at Harry.
I looked into his green eyes but all I could think about was Delphine's.
"Um sure Harry I'll go with you," I told him.
He smiled at me, "okay I'll see you then." He walked away from me and I sighed, "I wish Delphine still when to this school." I looked up when my name was called, "Ginny."
I saw my bloodless sister coming towards me, "hey Mione so Harry asked me to the yule ball so looks like I'm coming with you after all."
She smiled, "yay thanks Ginny cause I swear if another boy tries to ask me out I'm going to castrate him." As if on cue a 5th year Gryffindor walked up to Hermione. "Granger you me Yule Ball." He smirked and I had to hold Mione back.
"No sorry she already 'as a date," I heard Fleur say and stood in front of Mione and I. "But you're two champions you can't go together plus you are already going with the Prince bitch."
He smirked as if he cracked a code.
Fleur went to attack but I pushed them both back behind me, "they just don't want to go out with a boy who still wets the bed." Everyone around us laughed at the 5th year and he ran away.
"There problem dealt with now can I go back to... um thinking," I looked away when I spotted Hermione's knowing glance.
"You just want to think about a certain green eyed woman," Hermione giggled as I blush. "Yes as a matter of fact I do because I have feelings for her is that what you wanted to hear Mione!" I yelled still blushing hard.
"Don't you just wish to be 15 or do you want to skip straight to 17 so you can marry and have cute little babies. You Weasley women are known for having six million children."
I hit Hermione's arm.
"You are so lucky I love you Mione," I growled and Fleur turned to me. "Woo iz tis woman?" She asked and Hermione giggled, "Ginny's new fantasy girl." I hit Hermione's arm, "don't tell her!" I yelped and Hermione smirked, "why not afraid of what Fleur may think of you?"
I looked down and Hermione grabbed both of our hands dragging us into an empty classroom then closed the door, "there complete privacy."
"Iz it zomeone on tee Dark Side becausez if so I have non judgement my clan followz tee Dark Lord it does make me a bit 'ated zough." Fleur said and I looked up at her, "you get hate too?"
"Oui." I blushed and looked to Hermione then back to Fleur, "it is Delphine Lestrange the woman that was in Hermione's tent after the dragon attack."
"Oh oui I remember 'er," I blushed harder. "Yeah well it's her I just feel this pull to her," I said then Hermione spoke up, "we need to go to classes now or we will be late."
We all nodded then we went off to our classes.

The Dark Princess (Bellamione)
FanfictionThe dark lord had a child with his wife but on the night he died the child was taking away. The child's memories where obliviated and her mother killed. She was taken to a home to be raise by muggles. This is the story of The Dark Princess.