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The wind whistled through the open windows of my dad's car. The wind pushed my bangs out of my face and sent a slight shiver down my hoodie. I silently huff and slump back in the front seat of his car.

I am so angry that he made me leave my parents and old home behind in London, more specific United Kingdom. Yes, I am adopted. I was deep in thought about why my biological parents threw me out like I was just a piece of crumpled paper that never made it to the trashcan on time when I felt something on my shoulder.

I flinch and feel my breathing speed up until I recognize it as dad's hand and I quickly shrug it off, not wanting to have any sort of physical contact right now. "Virgil, I know a lot has happened in the past three years but this is a good opportunity for you" He says and I hear "lies" as my older sisters voice echos through my head. My sister passed away at 18 due to cancer and somehow she stayed with me but, I have never told anyone about her talking to me.

"Virgil, I know your upset but look at the bright side, you get to meet new people and being in California gives us a chance to start over". I give him a look that said 'do you know who your talking to?' then turned and looked out the window again. I cross my arms indicating I don't want to talk anymore and I hear him sigh but we go the rest of the drive in silence.

About an hour or so later we pull up to a pretty decent white painted house with a blue house next door on the right and a red house on the left.I quickly get out, not wanting yo talk to anyone here, grab my bag from the trunk and go inside. The door opens with a slight creek but when I looked up from placing my bag on the ground I could see all the walls downstairs so far were painted grey and there was hardwood floor from the door to the kitchen and the rest was carpet.

I sigh as I look around. "I hate this" I hear Jacqueline, my older sister, say. I nod my head noticing there's a staircase coming off of the side wall in the living room and I go see what's up there. I grab the strap of my bag and sling it over my shoulder making it a bit harder to go up the stairs with the extra weight.

I finally managed to get to the top without falling and I see four doors on the left side of the hall and three doors on the right. I go to the first door on the left and open it to see walls that were painted a teal color and there were selves of books on the walls with a black leather chair in the far right corner. "Nice" Jacqueline says and I smile knowing I'm going to be spending most of my time in here. I close the door and head to the room next door.

                                                                      time skip

I look through the rest of the rooms and four of them are just ordinary bedrooms, one's a bathroom, and the last room is some sort of an office. I go back to the last bedroom I was in and see that this is the smallest room. I smile to myself and start unpacking knowing this is exactly the room I want.

The walls are painted dark purple, the carpet is a fluff-ish black and the bed cover and pillows are a mix of purple and black. I hear a door open open pulling me from my thoughts as I unzip my bag and I hear a heavy thump so I know dad found his room. I look back to my bag and pull out my fairy lights, stringing them around the room and my TOP, MCR, and Panic At The Disco posters up on the walls.

I'm about halfway done with unpacking when I hear a knock on the front door. I shake my head annoyed, silently hoping whoever it is will leave. I hear dad call me from downstairs and I roll my eyes setting my headphones on the desk across from my bed.

"We never get to spend time together anymore" Jacqueline whines and I nod my head before coming into view with the door. There was a boy who looked about a year or so older than me and with sandy blond hair, icy blue eyes, thick black glasses, has on a baby blue polo shirt with tan khakis.

There's a woman standing behind him who looks exactly like the boy but she has a sky blue dress on that goes just above her knee with white heels. Her sandy blond hair hangs down around her shoulders and her eyes are a darker shade of blue. "Hi, I'm Patton!" The buy says with excitement and quickly sticks his hand out to me.

My instincts told me I was going to be hit so I jump away with my eyes wide and breathing slightly uneven. "Sorry, he's not used to physical contact, he thinks any kind of physical contact is going to harm him" Dad says and I try to let my body relax. "Oh that's ok, We came over to see if you would like to meet us the your other neighbors, the Prince's" Patton says bouncing with excitement.

"Too cheerful and loud" Jacqueline says and I nod slightly but nobody noticed. "That would be great, it gives us a chance to meet new people and get out of the house" Dad says and they start walking to their house. I stand in the doorway for a minute before slowly following behind dad.

When we get there Patton opens the door and there are three men and two girls sitting on the couch. Everyone in the room freezes and looks at me and dad. I feel my body tense as I look at one man who has a dark blue suit on, he has light brown hair and thick rimmed glasses like Patton. The second male looks as old as Patton and has on a white long sleeve shirt with red jeans and has brown hair.

The last guy looks about the same age as the other two and has thinner glasses than Patton and has a black shirt on with a navy blue tie and blue jeans. Finally the two girls are wearing matching red dresses that have the hoop skirt that goes down to the floor and have on gold flats. They both look to be about ten or eleven and I figure they are the second guy's sisters.

There was a selections of hi's and hello's coming from everyone in the room except from the second guy who just glared at me. Dad greets everyone while I stood behind him trying to hide myself. Childish I know.

"This is gonna be horrible" Jacqueline says but I just stand there paralyzed as all the kids in the room looked at me.


word count: 1209

In Loving Hands- Anxceit rewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now