Our Perfect Day(not)

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We hear the chime of a bell as the door opens, and we walk inside letting the smell of vanilla and peppermint overwhelm us. I turn to Dee and whisper to him to get a table while I got coffee but he quickly latched himself to my arm and we both ended up in line side by side. There was quite a long line but neither of us minded because it meant we could be together for longer.

The longer we are in line, Dee kept moving closer to me until he finally laid his head on my shoulder. Dee kept flirting with me and making me flustered so my face was bright red, then he kissed me and it felt as if I was walking on a cloud. The minute our lips touched for a second kiss we heard a very loud "Excuse me!" a female yell from behind us.

Dee grumbles against my lips and reluctantly pulls away and we both turn to see and medium sized woman with blonde short hair that was split on the left side of her head. Her lips were drawn into a thin line and her nose was turned up to us. She was with a man with brown hair and was kind of balding in the front with a mustache and beard.

He has a black tank top with blue jeans and a gold chain around his neck. He has tattoos all over his body. They both have three children standing behind them two boys and one girl. "Yes?" I ask and I see the woman get a look as if no one has ever spoken to her that way.

"Excuse me, do you know who I am?" She yells making a few people sitting at tables turn their heads. "No and I really don't care who you are" Dee says and I turn to ignore her. "Mommy why were they kissing? I thought it was it was supposed to be boys and girls" One of the younger boys said and the Karen turns to her son and scoffs.

"God intended it to be boys and girls but people like them go against god and they try to confuse people like us and make you think that's ok" She says, saying 'that's' like it's poison. Dee steps forward and yells "Are you really ignorant or are you just trying to be stupid or what? People can love who they want and if god didn't want people to like the same sex then why do we?". I feel my body start shaking as my heart starts beating a bit faster but I try to ignore it.

I turn to see Dee's face getting more red with every word. "Do not talk to me you disgusting faggot!" She yells and I see her husband trying to get her to stop. I hear Karen take a huge breath in and yells the all famous Karen line " I want to talk to the manager!".

Her husband starts trying harder to shut his wife up and the kids look embarrassed. After a few more minutes of the Karen screeching the manager finally makes and appearance. "What seems to be the problem here?" The manager asks looking at all of us.

"These two men were kissing in your establishment and corrupted my son! I will have to pay for all three of my children to have therapy now!" Karen banshee yells pointing an accusing finger at us. Then she turned to us waiting for either one of us to explain our side of what happened. "My boyfriend and I were kissing and she got all snarky and started telling her son a bunch of homophobic things that my boyfriend did not agree with and so he yelled for the manager" I say as calmly as possible.

"You liar!" Karen screamed stamping her foot on the ground like a child. "So, If I got this straight you two were kissing and she started being homophobic?" The manager asks and Dee and I say "yes" in unison. Karen's face goes on even deeper shade of red.

"I was never homophobic, I am tolerant of all people!" Karen yells and I see a man from one of the tables get up and gives his phone to the manager. "I got the whole thing on tape" He says as the manager looks through it and I see Karen's face whiten. After some time the manager gave the guy his phone and looks at Karen with a stern look.

"Ma'am I am going to have to ask you to leave, we do not tolerate and kind of homophobia" She says and I smile with relief thinking it's over but then Karen starts screaming again. "I'm going to call the police for you to allow fags in here!" She yells and I see the manager's face redden. "Ma'am you need to leave" The manager says as Karen starts being dragged out by her husband.

"Wait ma'am" The manager says grabbing one of the staff members, Jennet, and kisses her right in front of Karen.

Best Day Ever!!!


word count:858

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