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Virgil's pov
I was moved to a rehab center to see if we could try to get my right arm, hand, leg, and foot moving again. I was scared because Janus would only be able to visit during the day and had to leave at night. Upon getting to the rehab center, Janus drove and he used a wheelchair to get me around.

I still couldn't use my voice properly, I could says some words and sentences but everything comes out as jumbled words or something that's not even understandable. The nurse brought me to my room that I would be staying in. It was pretty good, there was an adjustable bed, a tv hung up on the wall across from the bed, a bathroom built into the room and a closet right next to the bathroom.

"This is nice, isn't it?" Janus asks and I say yes but it sounds like 'es'. Janus helps me get up onto the bed and I lay back letting myself rest, closing my eyes. "Will he be able to talk clearly and use his right side?" I hear Janus ask and the doctor responds with "That's what were are going to try and work on".

I feel Janus grab my hand and I turn to look at him. He smiles at me and I give a sad smile back. I don't want to be here, I really just want to go home.

Janus's pov
Virgil looks upset but doesn't say anything, I know he usually like to just be on his own and left alone but here a nurse walks in every couple of hours to check on you. But he also has a nurse come in at 2:00 for speech therapy and moving around. "Baby It's ok, i'm here" I say as I see a tear slip down his face and I pull him into a hug even though he can't hug me back.

"Your strong babe, you'll pull through this stronger than ever, I know it" I say and pull away placing a kiss on his cheek. The nurse comes in and tells me it's time to leave and I have to go home but tells me I can come back at nine o'clock when they open, I just have to sign in.

I nod my head and say goodbye before hugging him and kissing him. I walk out slowly not wanting to leave him here. I get back to my car and sit there, I stare the building and feel tears building up. And for the first time since my parents passed, I cry.

Virgil's pov
It sucks being here at night, I have the little lamp on the bedside table on and I can hear all the nurses and patients walking by room and talking, even through the closed door. I wish Janus were here beside me but I know he's gonna be here as much as he can. I lay in the bed listening to Walker Texas Ranger play on the tv.

I don't really know what the show is but i kinda like it. I suddenly feel tears sliding down my face and I start crying. I hate not being able to properly talk, I hate not being able to properly walk. I hate all this.

Word count:548

In Loving Hands- Anxceit rewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now