Chapter 7

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(Shiro pov)

I rubbed my temples as I had to deal with the two hot-headed exwires who basically just tried to get themselves killed by going in the training pit without supervision or instructions to do so. "If Kuro hadn't been here then you two would be dead!" I shouted down. "GET UP HERE!" I shouted and they made their way to the ladder and climbed out of the pit with the demon we call a leaper. "You two need to stop fighting and understand the concept of teamwork, without you won't last five seconds out there! Grow up! Of course you're going to be put with people you dislike and you have to deal with it, so stop being babies and GROW UP!" I shouted as I knew I had to get my point across but I had a feeling this wouldn't be the last time I would be telling these two of for fighting and doing such ridiculous things like walking into a training pit with a demon without supervision. "Yeah yeah." I heard Rin and I turned to him ready to tell him off. "You think this is a joke?" "No." He answered straight and for the last week I know ew something was off and I had a feeling I knew it was something to do with the grief of losing his wings, as Mephisto said losing wings are like losing a child and I can't imagine what that feels like, even though I almost lost Rin not too long ago and that was terrifying but for Rin to feel that must be hard even if it's not as bad since Rin is only half-demon.

I let out a sigh of tiredness, tired of dealing with this but I had to. "Rin I know you're dealing with a lot right now as you lost those recently but you can't keep this up you have to get along with everyone. I know you're not the best with people but you have to try." Rin hummed and slumped his shoulders over. I sighed once again before telling all the exwires that school was over but I asked Ryuji to stay. "You can't go picking fights with people just because they insult something precious to you or they just anger you for whatever reason," I tell him and he tells me he understands and he starts to walk away before turning back. "You said Okumura lost something, 'lost those recently' you said. What did he lose if you don't mind me asking?" I stayed silent for a moment before answering. "That's confidential and even if it wasn't it isn't my place to tell." "Oh... Alright..." He says walking away and I give a sigh of relief. 'That god that's over I couldn't last another second of that... I really should retire soon.' I thought as I stretched my arms above my head and walked out of the training area to go back to the church as I had nothing left to do here. Well, other than waiting for Rin and bringing him home with me.

(Third person view)

It was the next day and Yukio stood behind the teacher's desk and was telling his students that they were to come to the old boy dormitory at six pm tonight as they were doing their exam to level up to exwires. "Do we really have to stay with these guys, especially Mr hot head over there." Ryuji looked his eyes over to Rin who sat at the back of the class and he was about to throw a comeback but Yukio interrupted and answered Ryuji's question that wasn't much of a question to begin with. "Yes and you will get along with everyone here, you have to. You're about to be exwires and this means you'll have to learn to work together and now would be better than learning later." Yukio explained in a tuff tone showing that there was to be no further discussion on the subject. The two-toned haired by huffed and rest his chin in the palm of his hand in a pissed of manner, he did not want to deal with the blue boy that was both blue-haired and blue inside. Yukio continued to explain a little more about the exam but nothing major, a lot of the information was not told and left the pages in the dark.

 Yukio continued to explain a little more about the exam but nothing major, a lot of the information was not told and left the pages in the dark

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