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" miaaaaaaaaa" my mother yelled from downstairs

I rolled my eyes because she just called me like two seconds ago

" yesss" I responded getting up

She didn't respond

I swung and hit the air

I walked out my room and jogged down the stairs

" yeoo" I said walking twords her

" I'm not one of your little friends don't yo me" she said eyeing me

I just gave her a smile and looked at her

" so cleos leaving again and she asked if you wanted to ba-

" nope" I said quickly and walking off

" girl bring yo ass back here" she said slapping her hand on the table making me jump

" ma ion wanna do it"I groaned

" and why not" she said crossing her arms

" because I wanna enjoy my summer" I responded

" and I'm turning 18 this is my prime yearssss" I groaned

" what you not gonna do is stay in the house all summer your gonna need something to do" she said staring at me

" that's why imma go to parties and kiara house" I said with a huge grin

" yea no your not" she said tootin her own horn

I rolled my eyes

" now ma" I said tilting my head at her

" go head pack them bags I'm not finna be worried about where you at this summer" she said

I slapped the air

" MAA you neverrr have to be worried about me any summer" I responded

" why don't you wanna baby sit again" she asked

" I just said I wanted to enjoy my summer" I responded

" don't she got a son around your age" she responded

I shivered at the memories of last time I went over there

" I most DEFINITELY don't wanna spend my summer with that bum" I said shaking my head

" I thought y'all became friends" she said raising a eyebrow

I shrugged

" we are but he's still a bum" I shrugged

Yea me and Jahseh texted ever since I left

He texted first and kept sending Yawning emojis which made me text back

I told him to shut his ass up And ever since then the conversation been going on and on

" am I told you about how I got TORTURED in that house" I exaggerated

She sucked her teeth

" girl he likes you that's all" she said chuckling

I straight faced her

" so if I go there and get RAPED then what's gonna happen" I said putting my hand on my hip

She threw something but it flew past my head so fast I couldn't catch What it was

" that's not something to joke about" she snapped

I groaned

" it was a example" I responded d

Baby sitter 2Where stories live. Discover now