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1week later

Currently everybody in the house went to go do something so it's just me and Aiden in this bitch

" mia" aiden said as he came in the kitchen

I turned around to face him

" some of my friends are coming over can you make like 6 sandwiches" he cheesed

I raised my eyebrows

" 6 sandwiches" I said scrunching my face up " and who said you can bring people over" I added putting my hand on my hip

" kiara" he responded rocking side to side

I rolled my eyes cause she know she not going to watch them kids

I sighed and turned around

" yea it's what ever" I said grabbing the bread

" YOUR THE BEST" he screamed hugging my legs


2 hours later

There was three knocks at the door and aiden ran his little ass over there

" AHT, you supposed to ask who is it before opening a door" I said watching him

" whoo is it" he yelled

" CAMILA" a tiny voice yelled back

He started getting excited

See Ian know little girls was coming too

I just put all this weight on myself

He quickly opened the door and I got up to greet whoever brought her

" hii" she screeched as she waved to me

I waved back and smiled

I looked up and saw a middle aged man

" wussup witchu he smirked

I stared at him and scrunched my face up a little

" hello sir" I responded

" whatchu his brother girlfriend or sum" he said rubbing his ashy hands together

Aiden looked up at me and pressed his lips together

" no but umm that's your daughter" I said pointing to camila

He nodded his head like he was in a r&b video shoot

" oh she's cute" I said smiling trying to switch the conversation

" yea I know she get it from me" he said

" matter fact ion wan leave her by herself so can I come in" he said smiling

" aye camila" I said turning around

She looked over at me

" you gotta go cause ya daddy wan come in" I said shaking my head

" nah nah nah chill I was playin but for real you got a boyfriend or something" I questioned

" no but I-

" how old are you" he said leaning on the door frame

" 14" I lied

His eyes went wide then he did a evil type smirk

" if you 14 then I'm 14" he whispered coming close to my face

This man is a pervert

" ya body don't look 14 tho" He said rubbing hisself

" aww shit I gotta weak stomach imma throw up" I said throwing up a little in my mouth

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